Chapter 6

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"I have a question."

Yelena asks as she tries to help me select my outfit for 'the date'.

Well she's only trying, not helping even one bit, she's here only because Maria's out with her brother to meet his new found mate. It's sad that her younger brother found his mate before her, Maria's always so intrigued about her mate. I hope she finds them soon.

"What is it?"

"We all have destined mates, then is it okay for you to go around with another boy?"

This nagging girl.

"It's just a visit." I clarify, "And it's to compensenate for what I did at the other night. If I didn't go, they'd be upset. I don't wanna make pops or mom feel disppointed in me." I hope I sounded convincing enough.

Her brows knit together as she ponders for a moment before speaking. "Why are you explaining yourself? You've never done that before. And since when do you care about what mom thinks? You're being suspicious, big sis." I didn't.

My throat dries and I quickly brush my hair, letting them loosely fall over my back, and get off the stool.

"Stop playing detective lil Romanoff. Now go, get lost, I have to get ready." I pull her up by her arm and throw her out my room, despite her much protests and naggings.

This girl is too smart for her own good. She's the only one who can get me, the Natasha Romanoff, in trouble. I have gotta be careful.

Finally I choose a plain white tee with a blue crop leather jacket and black skinny jeans, and my sneakers.

Getting out of the house I quickly text Steve that I'm coming, and then head out.


Their pack gates are the color of a pale blue, which immediately reminds me of the colors of Steve's soft blue eyes, I shake the thought away.

I see a guard over there who steps toward me and I roll my window down, letting him know my identity and why I'm here, he recognizes me as Steve has already told him about my arrival.

I drive through the forest roads before finally stopping at the coffee house Steve talked about.

Their pack area has much more trees than ours, it's so green and chilly, with cool breeze blowing around. It's cozy around here, giving me a homey feeling. I look up at the huge trees and smile while waiting outside the cafe for Steve.

After around 3 minutes, Steve's Audi stops outside and my jaw stops before it could drop to the ground.

I try to act casual although my hand is itching to run over the glazy surface of his car. He didn't bring this one at ours last night. Is he trying to show off now? I should've brought my vintage car as well. Shit.

"Hey, sorry for making you wait." He steps out and I stop my jaw from dropping once more.

He is one gorgeous boy, man!

"I got in a call with my brother, sorry once again."

"I-it's fine."  I shrug, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "I just arrived. Nice car by the way."

My eyes roam over him subtly. He's wearing a tigh fitted black t-shirt, with black leather jacket and black jeans. Even the watch on his wirst is black. Black suits him so well, he looks delicious.

What the hell, Nat! Get a grip!

"Thanks, come on, let's get inside." He ushers me to the cafe, holding the door open for me like a gentleman, I smile politely. "What shall I order for you?"

"Black coffee and a chocolate muffin, or any croissant, low sugar." I order nonchalantly before taking a sit at the middle booth. When I hear no response, I look up to see him smirking with mischeviousness flicking in his eyes. "What?"

"You've got the habit to order around, don't you?" He asks in disbelief, chuckling.

When he notices the red of embarrassment on my cheeks his chuckles turn into a small laugh and his shoulders shake. I try to hide my cheeks behind my loose hair.

"It's alright," he sputters between laughter, "I get it. I'll get the order." With that he leaves to the reception.

I see the boy behind the counter slightly bow at him then take the order, everyone around the cafe seems to have stiffen a bit as well. He sure is the Alpha. I can't quite feel the aura as I'm an Alpha as well, it doesn't effect me just as much.

When he goes over, I close my eyes and inhale sharply, the sweet smell of honey and soaked soil filling my nose and heart. It relaxes me, it scares me how powerfully his scent is effecting me.

I snap my eyes open.

"Here." Coming back, he places the tray over the table, very much flexingly, he pulls his jacket off, then hangs it around the seat before sitting down. I have to restrain with everything to keep my eyes from staring at his muscled shoulders and abs, which are trying to tear the too fitting shirt apart.

He's got an Iced Americano for himself, with a vegetable sandwich. I grab my muffin and start taking small bites, along with occasional sips from my coffee. It tastes amazing, and with this weather, it's perfect in here.

"Is it good?" He asks, biting onto his sandwich.


I smile and he smiles in return.

"Is it a date?" I blurt the question out and notice how his expression changes from normal to a dark shade of pink, his blue eyes sparkling like crystal water. I smirk. "I mean it seems like one. I don't mind." I push knowing I have the same effect over him.

He coughs a little, sipping on his coffee then clearing his throat. "If you think so, I don't mind as well." He affirms, his redness vanishing as he throws a charming smirk at me, "It is a date then."

I smile, looking down at my coffee and nodding my head in acknowledgment.

"Okay then, where are we headed next?"


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