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"I love you."

My tongue caressing the words, cradling them, a sweet suffocation building in the back of my throat the longer I kept them inside. Still, the words remained caved within the walls of my mouth, every push of my vocal chords combatted with their unrelenting command of silence. Our eyes met, and for a brief moment I considered choking the words out; living in the moment for once, maybe for the last. A small smile illuminated his features and I was entranced. Forgetting the circumstances, forgetting I was hanging over a cliff, blood pulsing out of my wound and painting our intertwined hands as I gripped his, forgetting I was holding up his bodyweight with a barely functioning arm, forgetting his stone-cold glares and his newfound, undiluted spite. Forgetting. I just wanted him to know. Focusing on his rare smile, I whispered his name, shattering the walls silencing me. Over and over I chanted his only certainty; his name a mantra, serenading him in his own simple beauty. He whispered my name back, and my hand, despite it's numbness, gripped harder onto his blood-soaked embroidered sleeves, designs once cloud white stained in deep crimson.

We continued this back and forth, our whispers the perfect yin and yang; his gentle and comforting, mine coarse and pleading. Basking in this symphony of contrasts, I closed my eyes for a moment. Just a moment. And slowly, the numbness became lighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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