Part 59

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           Yoongi POV

JM- hyung?

He called me who was thinking something.

JM- how long are we going to do this?

YG- I have no idea. Should we stop now?

JM- no hyung, let's do it for a little long.

YG- but Y/n is not talking to me bro.

JM- what? Really? I thought she will after this.

YG- exactly she is not.

He sighed and started thinking. So all this drama is just a drama. We are just kidding around. We want to surprise them with Dahyun pregnancy. Yes Dahyun is pregnant. She is 1 week pregnant. I feel double sad now, first Y/n is not talking to me and second I wanted to give mom and dad a kid first than Jimin and Dahyun. But now I think of it, she need time. She has collage and then there is family and so many thing. I should wait I think, and obviously we have Chaeyon so no problem.

JM- hyung, if we see this a little further.

I nodded my head.

JM- Y/n will talk to you when we will in a deep fight.

YG- you want this to be more worst?

He nodded his head.

YG- wait then....

JM- see

He told me further plan.

YG- isn't this too much?

JM- nopes.

YG- and what if nobody stops you?

JM- they will, at least Y/n will I know.

YG- okay, I am helping you in this but then you have to save me from those beating and specially from my wife.

JM- Ya, ya hyung don't worry.

He got up from there and went somewhere. Yes, Dahyung is also in with us in this thing so.

1 week later.


I was in the house chopping vegetable for breakfast. Today is weekend and I am not going to collage as Yoongi-shi and oppa are having fight every single day. The worst day was when....

YG- Jimin you are the one on the wrong side. I was just saying that——-

JM- that I am useless, I don't help you?

YG- no, you are taking it in wrong way, I—-

JM- hyung, why you always have to the explainer? Why you always have to explain things.

YG- because you guys take it wrong way.

Oppa scoff.

JM- we? You are right and everyone is wrong and you right! Like come on hyung, be a little mature you are looking like a fool.

DH- Jimin! He is your elder brother. Talk to him nicely.

JM- it is truth Dahyun, he looking like a fool.

YG- don't give me you this attitude, this is all because of me. If I didn't help you in this business you would talked to me nicely.

Y/n- Yoongi-shi, don't say that. In companies success there is his hand also.

YG- Y/n! You know nothing, it better if you shut your mouth.

He said getting up from the table and went upstairs.

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