𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘; 𝚁𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚕

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    Her anger kept her alive through it all. Hatred kept her sane. Rebellion planted within her mind poisoning it. She wanted to so desperately piss off her father.

    And she knew just the way to do it. Just the way to do it.

    Now Rosalice knew better than to allow herself in indulging such illegal teenage activities such as drinking alcoholic beverages.

    No, she simply refused.

    However she did stoop to such low levels of occasional flirting.

    Yet when she slipt past a bouncer and entered the blundering loud club that Leah had "mistakenly" confused for as a bar. Rosalice lost her determination to make her father angry with what she had come to do.

    So she sat in a darkening chair right next to an area filled with bottles of liquor. Pounding music hitting against both sides of the head forming a headache. Fingers tracing around the glass she had ordered –a simple coke.–

    Rosalice's eyes simply glanced all around taking in the looks of others, their physical appearance, the way they simply acted. Human watching is what she calls it. Much like watching birds she took in their behaviors, studied them. Each and every one of them. She had a million minutes in the time frame she lived that was ever so simply handed to her so she wasted them doing things like this and not caring about what was to come.

    One pair of eyes caught her attention. Soft hazel brown. Staring at her already. Rosalice took in his looks: dark brown hair slicked back, square-face, thick bushy dark brows that matched his chilling demeanor. A heavy stubble formed on his face yet it had clean lines clearing being taken care of. He looked confusing and yet intriguing for Rosalice. His body language spoke of two things: relaxed and tense. And his eyes. His eyes... they held unreadable looks that Rosalice could easily look past and sense what he was truly feeling adoration.

    Watching as she teared her eyes away from him and looked directly at someone she knew dancing, having fun. Elijah tilts his head to the side lightly tracing the edge of his full glass. There was something in him that wanted to act on its own compulsion, intuition telling him to go to her. He never trusted this intuition of his; it was all logic for him. Logic was easier to control than anything, thinking through something, a plan or an idea. Intuition disbelieved logic, it was purely the opposite it was as if he was trusting the beast's inside him instincts. Now surely the scent of death would linger in the air for all those who knew his name from hushed rumors.

    Yet when seeing a man drunkenly slip into the seat next to hers, planting an arm around her neck. She looked entirely bored with his act. His words being carried to his ears, "Why do all of you girls lie? Lie about having a boyfriend." He hung out his sentence. "You know what I think?" He saw as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably clenching his fist together. "I think you don't."

    Rosalice frowns, "I do have a boyfriend."

    "Then where is he, hmm?" The drunken man places a hand on high up her thigh, dangerously close.

    Everything in him snapped. His body moved entirely on his own, trusting within the intuition refusing to believe the logic in this all. Feet gliding over to her. Eyes locked on her. He moved ever so swiftly disregarding his current look of disorder. Getting to her seat he thought without logic grabbing the man's collar slamming him into the ground, hard. Hard enough that he heard bones cracking. Clearly knocked out but not to the point that he was dying.

    Rosalice stared at him with an unreadable expression. His eyes connected with hers. Hers connected with his. A feeling bubbling within her that she easily dismissed. A possession grew in him that he tried hard fighting off. Tearing away from her he rushes out. She simply followed after him.

Obscure | ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ/ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᶜʳᵒˢˢᵒᵛᵉʳ ⁽ᴱˡⁱʲᵃʰ ᴹⁱᵏᵉᵃˡˢᵒⁿ⁾ [1]Where stories live. Discover now