Imagine For Phoebe

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Your POV:

Sometimes you don't realise just how much you love someone until you can't see them.

That's definitely the case for me right now; my boyfriend, Pete, is way touring with his band mates, I'm so proud of him but god I really wish he was home with me right now. I miss his voice, his hugs, his kisses and even his dumb jokes.

Not only am I missing him a whole bunch but I have something really, really important to tell him; I'm pregnant.

When I first found out I was very scared, what if he decides he doesn't love me anymore? What if he's not ready to be a father? The 'what ifs' were endless and so daunting. But then I thought about Pete and knew that he'll be an amazing Dad, that being said I still haven't told him yet.....and so I've decided that today is the day.

From stalking-I mean looking at Fall Out Boy's Twitter, I know that he's currently not busy so it's now or never.

I send him a quick text to double check that it's ok if I FaceTime him.

"Hey, babe, can I FaceTime you? I wanna talk to you about something?"

Almost immediately I receive a reply from him saying that it's ok and so I dial him, feeling terribly nervous if I'm being honest.

Seeing his face pop up on the screen somehow makes me feel better and worse at the same time.

Quickly though I notice that he looks very nervous, I wonder why....

"What's up Pete, you look like someone hurt Patrick." I tease.

"No, it's just you said you 'want to talk,' I know what that means.....god Phoebe please tell me you don't want to break up!"

I almost laugh out loud because he's got this so wrong!

"Pete, calm down! I don't want to break up, in fact it's almost the opposite, I'm-I'm pregnant!" I nervously await his reaction, almost immediately his face relaxes and he's smiling, looking probably the happiest I've seen him in a long time.

"You're pregnant?! Wow that's amazing!" He genuinely seems overjoyed and I'm beyond relived!

"Yeah, we're gonna have a baby-he interrupts me-"well I guess now is a good time to tell you then, I'm coming home tomorrow, it's only for a few weeks but now that we're going to be parents it's especially important, heck we need to prepare a room for the little one....." He starts excitedly rambling on before I hear Andy in the background threatening to spray him with his water bottle if he doesn't get back to practice.

"Ok I've gotta go baby, call me if you need anything alright? Even if it seems like nothing, I don't want you getting hurt!" He's so protective already, it's quite adorable honestly.

"Don't worry the bub and I will be fine, call me when you land ok? Bye, I love you!"

"I love you too!" And he's gone.

*next day*

My stomach is rather on the sore side, wow if this is what being pregnant is like I'm not quite as on board.



I quickly answer the phone, seeing that it's Pete calling, presumably to tell me that he's landed.

I'm correct in my guessing it turns out, and he says he'll be at our house in a few minutes.

Wow I'm so excited to see him, it's been 4 months and 6 days since we've last been each other in person, not that anyone's counting of course!

"Honey I'm home!" He says entering the house and I barely hold in a giggle.

Finally we're hugging and I can't even explain how much I've missed this.

"I got you something. Wanna see it?" He questions and if his smile didn't look so cute and innocent I'd almost think it was going to be something dirty...

But instead I'm presented with a jewellery box that has a locket, opening it up I see a picture of Pete, giving the finger no less.

"The other side is blank so you can put a picture of our baby once they're born. Your two favourite people ay?" His final sentence and little wink at the end totally ruins what was setting up to be a really sweet thing, but really it only makes me love him more anyway.

"Oh my god, I love it! Thank you so much! How did I get so lucky to have you as a boyfriend?!" I'm nearly crying because I just love him so much, as soppy as that sounds.

"I always wonder how I got lucky enough to have you! Now should we go to bed? -wait that sounded kinky, I mean we could go into bed and cuddle!" I can't hold back a laugh, he's such a dork!

"I'd love to, but you know we can still do non-cuddling stuff when I'm pregnant right?"

"Yeah of course I knew that...." He replies with a face that tells me he 100% didn't know that.

Pete's POV:

Since finding out that Phoebe was pregnant I feel like a changed man. It really got me thinking, I'm going to be a Dad and it's really important that I'm a good role model for my kid, at first that responsibility seemed absolutely terrifying, he'll it still is honestly! But I'm ready for it, and I'm going to try my very best.

We decided to find out the sex of the baby, and it's a girl! Which I think we're both really pleased about, though i know we would love them whatever the sex. I jokingly wanted to paint the baby's room black, but we actually ended up painting it a really pale purple, I also wanted have some musical instruments in there, maybe bass or drums, but Phoebe said I would have to wait until the little one is older before I start 'brainwashing' them about music. But I've been singing to her stomach and I'm positive the baby likes it, though just wait until she hears Patrick singing!

Sadly my break from the tour could only last so long, and I had to leave Phoebe, which nearly killed me. Don't get me wrong I love touring, a lot! But leaving a, now heavily pregnant, Phoebe just didn't sit well with me, even though I know she's more than capable of taking care of herself. God the fatherly instincts must already be kicking in!

"Hey Pete you there?" Patrick's voice enters the bunk bed kind of thing that I'm currently sitting on.

"I'm coming in, you better be decent, I'm not dealing with that, again!" Oh yeah I remember that, fuck it was awkward!....

"Don't worry, I'm 'decent'" I mock his choice of words, God Patrick you're not in public, it's ok to curse!

"Good. I'm just coming to tell you that Joe, Andy and I are going out for a few drinks and we wanted to know if you'd like to join us?"

I debate it in my head for a little bit, going out with the guys would be fun, but something's telling me not to. And I've seen time and time again that it's important to trust your gut instinct.

"Nah I think I'll stay in tonight, maybe next time. Have one for me!" I tell him with a small smile.

I grab a drink and head back into the bunks, since I found out Phoebe was pregnant I've been working on a little project.

I hope she'll like it.

*AN* This imagine is for Falloutphoebe I hope you like it and sorry it took so long! :) also if I ever get the chance I might make a part 2. stay punk xx Bella

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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