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"Oh, my child is safe! Thank god."

Those were the first words you heard from your worried mother. She jogged her way over to you and gives you a tight hug.

Letting you go, her worrying got the better of her and started rambling, "Are you hurt? Did anyone hurt you? God, don't tell me you twisted your ankle again?"

Forcefully, you kindly pushed her away and looked at her. "I'm okay."

"That's not a reasonable answer." She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "But I was just making sure you're okay! That's all."

"Yeah well, I'm grown up. I can take care of myself, mom." She gives you a light smile, before turning her back.

"Cassie, Alexa!" She sternly yells out. "Say hi to your sister, and it's 4 in the morning, it's too early to play in your ipad."

Both younger sisters groaned and turned off the device, and sluggishly walked to give you a hug, without them having to wrap their arms around you.

"Can we go home?" Cassie groaned, both letting go of you. You rolled your eyes at them.

"Papa's waiting in the car." Alexa said, already heading towards the vehicle.

Your friends had already went to their families, who were still there, parents checking up on their kids. Those adults that apparently took care of your friends weren't just your neighbours, but also your parent's college friends. You were pretty close with them too, they basically considered you as their child.

"Hey!" Someone's deep and loud voice echoed out. "Let's go, they got school tomorrow."

"Oh shoot, right." Your mom muttered.

Afterwards, your mother had let everyone know that your family would be leaving already, and said goodbyes.

Going home, it was surprisingly quiet since the two were asleep and your parents were having their own conversation. The radio was playing in the background quietly and you listened as you rested your head against the seat, mimicking the position both your sisters were in, both fast asleep.

You weren't that sleepy unlike they were. Being in a 10 hour flight gave you a good amount of sleep but missed the food, only because Sasha ate them all.

The current song on the radio had ended. The host started talking about a certain topic, perhaps something important since your parents had stopped talking mid conversation.

"Okay so, Jasmin and I saw this article a couple minutes ago, saying that one of the four young actors from this very city, that are a part of the infamous series 'Attack On Titan,' just spoiled for what seems to be a death of an important character on an instagram live."

𝗕𝗘𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗦 - 𝐋. 𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now