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You really didn't know how this happened. The conversation you had with your parents was going absolutely fine, until she dropped the question,

"Have you had your first kiss yet?"

Ever since the conversation where it involved Levi, your parents would ask questions or give advice regarding relationships at the most random times.

Remembering this one time you went grocery shopping with your mother, she was saying something like: 'Get a guy that's smart, respectful, and responsible.' Then right beside you was an elderly woman, saying that she agreed with your mom and telling that she liked her men that way, therefore meeting her husband of a huge amount of years.

But the point of this conversation was about a simple first kiss that you possibly already had that you haven't told your parents about. It would be relieving to just tell them everything rather than keeping it within you, and plus, they've experienced more than enough to provide you with criticism, advice, and support.

Both parents stood in front of you from behind the counter across from you, simply eating lunch.

Choking on the food that was settling in your mouth, your mother was shocked at your reaction. She thought that you were just taken aback from her little interrogation, which you were, but you never thought you had to eventually spill on what happened; you knew you had to tell your mother, since keeping something that's probably important to you mom ― in this case, your first kiss ― would probably make her go insane.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She walks over to rub your back, in order to ease the coughing fit you had.

You shook your head and swallowed nervously.
"Nothing's wrong!"

She knew there was something up, narrowing her eyes and stares at you suspiciously. "Hm..." You froze in your seat, sweating profusely as she continues to intensely glare at you.

Eventually she left you alone, hopping into a different topic for conversation.

Your mind lingered on her question, and your answer was yes. Yeah, you did have that first kiss, and let's say that it's something that you don't want to remember ― not because it was bad or anything, but it was so embarrassing to just think about. But certainly, it was a memory to remember for your companions.


"I'm sorry, what?"

They sighed once more, tired of repeating themselves. Currently, you were talking to one of the producers, who just shared some shocking information with you.

"Look, I know this seems like a big step for you, which it is! But please put trust in the director." She pleaded like her life depended on it. If anything, it's your life that's being depended on, it felt like it.

𝗕𝗘𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗦 - 𝐋. 𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now