Chapter 11.

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The next day...
I spent the entire class of first period drawing my favorite anime character. Taiga Kagami. I went into full detail, drawing him dunking on someone. The bell rang, I gathered my things then left the classroom.

Approaching the main office, I have to pass it to get to my next glass, I notice someone standing around the entrance. I stop. "Alex?"

He looks up from the phone in his hand and smiles when he sees it's me. But then instantly frowns. "Arabella..."

I see he's wearing the uniform, my uniform. "You're going to school here."

He shoves his phone in his back pocket and straightens up. "Look, Arabella, I don't want to just ignore you and have you think I'm an asshole or you did something wrong so I'm going to tell you, your uncle told me to leave you alone and as much as I don't want to, I have to respect his wishes. I'm sorry, Arabella." He walks into the main office, leaving me in the hall.

Tobias did what?

I had three classes with Alex, the only three classes that mixed grades yet we ended up together. He tried not to look at me or at least not in my direction. He more like fought himself. I watched him openly and he seemed to get angrier every time our eyes met. At the end of the day, I went to his locker.

"What if I talk to my uncle?" I ask Alex.

He shoves his things in his bag then slams his locker shut, louder than anyone else and that surely catches everyone's attention. He's a muscular guy that looks like he started working out softly after he started to walk. "He hates me. It won't work, Arabella." He starts walking down the hall, easily moving around the rushing river of students. I follow closely behind.

"He doesn't know you. How can he hate you?"

He abruptly stops and spins around. I bump into him and he grabs me by my arms to keep me from falling over. "You don't know me, Arabella," he says, staring into my eyes.

"I know I like your company. I know you do too, I saw the way your face lit up when you first saw me today. I also know you can let me go now but you don't want to." His bright blue eyes fall to his right hand that's still gripping my upper arm then to his left hand and he pulls away completely. I chuckle at him as he shoves his hands in his pockets. "See?"

"You're beautiful and I know you're strong and confident, especially about your goofy side-"

"Well, duh," I smile. And he does too. "Here." I fish out my phone from my back pocket, turn it on and open the Phone app to create a new contact then hand it to him. "Your number. Don't argue," I say nicely. I watch the muscles in his jaw tighten as he puts in his number then texts himself. We hear his phone go off in his bag and he returns my phone to me.

He blows out a heavy, slow rush of air. "You're frightening, Arabella Diaz."

"I'm taking that as a compliment."

He laughs. "Can I walk you out?"

I shake my head. "Tobias drops me off and picks me up every day. I'm running late actually."

He sighs, disappointment filling his rare eyes. "Right...I'll see you tomorrow then."

"And text me later." I step around him and leave.

Tobias is in his usual spot. He's checking his watch as I climb inside the car. "You're late." The moment my door's closed, he drives off. My first thought is to confront him, to snap at him for what he said to Alex, but I know it was out of the kindness of his heart. His words reply in my head like a song stuck on repeat. Go ahead and be mad at me, but when you, someone I care about is at risk, even the slightest bit of danger, I'm going to do and say whatever I want to protect you. Tobias only cares and I can't blame him or be mad at him for it.

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