Chapter 24.

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Alex stiffens as Arabella puts her plate in the sink, gives me a pleading look, then leaves the kitchen.

She started almost every conversation. I was glad to hear that Alex is helping Arabella in the few classes they have together. He finishes his work early just so he can help her organize her notes and makes things more understanding. Every little thing I find out about him makes it harder and harder to dislike him. And I've noticed the way he looks at her, nothing below the neckline. He's either really good at hiding it or doesn't look at her that way. And, as much as I don't want to, I'm thinking of the second one.

"Okay, I think-"

"You know the truth about me," I interrupt Alex. "Who I am to Arabella." He nods. "And that doesn't change this...?" I wave my hand back and forth between us.

"I'm adopted, and I knew my birth birth mother died when I was four, I still remember her believe it or not, and I spent six months with my birth dad before he died...I was fifteen, my parents had already adopted me by then. I didn't make it easy on them, hell, I still don't sometimes. But they're...much more than just my parents. My best friends, my biggest fans, my biggest supporters. When I met Arabella, I wanted them to meet her so bad, I wanted them to adore her. I wanted my mom to think Arabella was good enough for me. I wanted my dad to think only good of Arabella." He exhales a quick breath and drags his hand through his hand. "How are you any different from them? And after everything she's been through...I can understand why you don't like me."

"I never said that."

"You didn't have to. I see the way you look at me."

I sigh and sink back into my seat. "What do you want?"

"Honestly? I don't know. I don't know what I can tell you that will make you trust me."

"I like you, Alex. You're a good kid and I can see that you care about Arabella but you're also right, I can't trust you, not with her." No one will ever protect her like I can. But admittedly and shamefully, I've fucked up and almost killed her.

Arabella abruptly runs into the kitchen. "I'm sorry! I forgot my coffee." Alex smiles at her.

"Of course, you did," I mumble. "I'll-" my eyes cut to Alex. He feels my gaze, looks at me, and gulps. "I'll be back." I get up and leave the kitchen with no intention of actually going anywhere else. I stay close and listen.

"How is he?" I hear Arabella whisper.

"Terrifying," Alex answers. "Stubborn. But I can't blame him. What are you doing anyway? Coffee? It's like an hour's drive to my place."

"What's this hour bullshit? It is well over an hour." She mutters something in Spanish that makes Alex laugh.

"That's sick," he chuckles.

"Coffee isn't looking so bad now, is it?" There's a smugness to Arabella's voice that I don't like.

"Please, don't," Alex groans and Arabella laughs softly.

I hurry back into the kitchen. But they're three feet apart. They haven't moved an inch or even flinched when I had abruptly returned.

Okay, so clearly, they have inside jokes.

"Okay, I'm going." Arabella hurries past me and out of the kitchen.

I completely messed that one up. But I'm glad I didn't catch them doing something.

"Arabella told me about her newfound in coffee," Alex says. "Does it ever make you feel-"

"Sick? On edge? Makes you question the most recent conversations out of fear you might've said to her? Yes, I get the freaking feeling," I say then sit next to him.

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