Chapter 23.

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We didn't go to see the apartment. Tobias didn't want to risk it so I suggested he sleep for an hour or two and he didn't agree until Manuel offered to stay for a bit and keep me company.

I wait patiently on the couch, watching Manuel sandpaper the last layer of smooth coat. "All right," he sighs, removes his mask, and steps back from the wall. "All you have to do is paint it." He disappears into the kitchen to wash his hands. When he returns, he joins me on the couch.

"I'm not weak," I tell him. "I know Tobias told you everything, the real reason why I'm here, but that's not me. I just need time. I need time to bounce back and I'll be me again."

"Weak is the last thing anyone thinks of you."

"You clearly haven't met my parents." I hear the sass in my voice and instantly regret saying anything in the first place.

"I'm serious, Arabella."

"I know." I bow my head shamefully. "I'm sorry."

"Did you ever miss them before Tobias?" I lift my head and stare into his chocolate brown eyes. His handsome face is twisted in a horrible mixture of fear and pain like he was scared to ask me and he knows the answer will hurt. "You don't-I didn't mean-"

"I told myself I did," I answer honestly. "I told myself if I missed them then it meant I loved them and if I loved them then I wouldn't be so resentment towards them and if I wasn't resentful then I wasn't bitter."

"I don't think...Arabella, you don't have to worry about that." After a long moment of silence, his face lights up and he digs in his back pocket, then pulls out his phone. He goes through it for a few seconds then leans over and shows me his screen. I gasp and scoot closer when I see what he's showing me. "I don't know why but it just came back to me. I had completely forgotten that you asked for these. I'm sorry." It's photos of the wedding. I had specifically asked for photos of the dance floor, of everyone dancing because I was hoping to catch a photo of Tobias and me dancing.

I had forgotten too. Around the time, Christmas was coming up and I wanted my gift for Tobias to be a picture of us, all of us, his siblings, Manuel, him, and me.

I tell Manuel why they were so important to have.

"Let's go, then," he tells me. "We can get these printed and get a collage frame."

"I don't have any money." He gives me a look that calls me stupid just for even thinking something like that. "It's supposed to be my gift for him. It won't count if you pay for it."

"Then pay me back. Look, you know better than anyone that he needs something like this right now. He needs that reassurance that you want to be here."

"He thinks I don't want to be here?"

Manuel grimaces and frowns. "The day he left the still gets to him."

The day he left the the day I demanded him to leave my life. I rejected him but I swear I was only trying to protect him. I was convinced that I was no good for him, that I only got him hurt, him and everyone around me. But I'm working on it. I have to.

Tobias is scarred now, the same way I'm scarred. Driving will never be the same for me. The natural trust Tobias had of me wanting to stay here will never be the same for him.

"I'm doing it regardless," Manuel says, getting up from the couch and yanking out of my thoughts. "I'll give it to him and tell him it's from you." I open my mouth to argue but he holds up his hand and continues. "And if you say it's from me, I'll tell him it was your idea."

I fold my arms over my chest. "I won't let you in."

He chuckles. "Call me if anything, Arabella." And with that said, he leaves the apartment, smiling hard.

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