Chapter 8: What's the Plan?

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Bakugo was dumbfounded. "You want me to do what?" Bakugo sat on his bed with his mouth open, jaw dropped in shock. Midoriya stood nervously by his friend's desk. His stomach was in knots. He could barely contain himself when they were in training earlier, and he wasted no time rushing to Bakugo's room after dinner. The door was shut, but he still whispered, afraid someone would hear what they were saying. It was urgent, and he needed Bakugo's answer as soon as possible. "Please! I can't do it by myself."

"You shouldn't be doing it at all, idiot!"

"But Kacchan, I think it would work if we—"

"If we what!? You think we can just break into the police station, steal their files on Mr. Aizawa, and then track him down and rescue him from that psycho Shigaraki? HA! Deku, you're even dumber than I thought!"

"But they wouldn't be expecting us, so we have the upper hand! And Endeavor is working on the case. If Todoroki interns with his dad's hero agency, then we have someone on the inside to help us! We could get the files from him!"

Bakugo sighed heavily, trying his best not to yell—although that wasn't exactly working. "Why should I help you go save Mr. Aizawa? It's not my fault he's too weak to get out of there himself." He couldn't understand Midoriya's thought process. Why did Midoriya even want his help? And how exactly would this plan even work? Everything seemed too underprepared, too irrational, and it bothered Bakugo. He scowled at Midoriya, gritting his teeth. He tried his best to push down his feelings of frustration, but that was never easy for the blonde. Midoriya hesitantly went to sit next to Bakugo, his eyes filled with hope. "You want to be a hero, just like me. And heroes save people. You're one of the best I've seen, Kacchan, and you've spent time with the League of Villains. If you help me, we can convince Todoroki, and then I know the three of us can do it. We just need–"

Angrily, Bakugo jumped up, towering over Midoriya. "Wait! You haven't even talked to that half-and-half extra yet?" He was furious. Why would this idiot come to me with some stupid, unfinished plan? I can't believe this... He thinks he's some hero. I'll show him what a real hero looks like. "You want my help? Fine! But we are not going to use your stupid plan, got it?! Now let's go talk to that icy-hot bastard before I change my mind!" The two hurriedly left Bakugo's room. Midoriya exhaled a heavy sigh, finally feeling some form of relief. He knew that with Bakugo on his side he would be able to convince Todoroki. Aside from that, Bakugo was smart. He was a great asset to have. Midoriya knew his fighting style inside and out, and if they really did need to face Shigaraki again, they would need Bakugo's speed and wit. "Kacchan, thank you," he let out quietly, trying his best not to wake anyone up. It was late now, and the two were walking the halls in near darkness.

"Quiet, stupid!" Bakugo answered, rounding a corner and nearing Todoroki's door. They didn't know if he was awake or not, but the situation was serious. Midoriya knocked softly, hoping it was loud enough to only wake up his friend and no one else. Todoroki surprisingly answered after the first few knocks, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "What?" he asked sleepily, squinting to see Midoriya and Bakugo in the darkness. When he recognized them, he immediately tensed up. "Is everything okay?" he asked urgently, looking around the hallway for danger. "It's fine," Bakugo said in a hushed tone. "We need to talk."

Todoroki stepped to the side, allowing the two to enter his room. He shut the door and joined them, all three sitting on the floor. Before Bakugo or Midoriya could say anything, he chimed up, "Is this about Mr. Aizawa?" A collective "huh?" sounded from Bakugo and Midoriya. "How did you know?" asked Midoriya, nervous that maybe he and Bakugo weren't as quiet as he thought they were. He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "So are you in or out?" he asked Todoroki, getting straight to the point.

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