Chapter 19: Did You Really Think This Would Work Out Well?

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The scene in the warehouse looked grim. Bakugo could hear Todoroki and Midoriya yelling about Dabi, but he wasn't processing any of the words they spoke. "Kirishima?" he called, his voice scratchy and deep from the smoke. His pupils searched through the remaining smoke that lingered in the air. There was a ringing in his ears, one that paired well with the dull and muffled voices of Midoriya and Todoroki. A million thoughts ran through Bakugo's mind at once, and he didn't know which one to focus on first. I need to tie up the villains, so they don't get away. Am I bleeding? Where the fuck is my phone; we need to call the police. Is Kirishima breathing? Why does Kaminari's arm look like that? Am I okay? Is Kiri okay?

The redhead was not far from Kaminari, both lying limp on the floor. A hoarse cough wracked through Bakugo's lungs, making him double over in a coughing fit. He fell to his knees then, chest burning and eyes stinging. "Eijiro?" Bakugo crawled toward his friend, determined to help him. Sweaty, shaking hands fumbled over Kirishima's face and chest. "We need first aid," Bakugo mumbled, trying to reassure himself. "Todoroki! We need first aid!" He tried hard to fight the panic in his voice, but it was a battle he was losing.

Kirishima was covered in blood. His face was littered with bumps and bruises, and he was a swollen, unconscious mess. Kaminari fared no better. His arm was bent backward, and blood was caked on the side of his forehead. Todoroki jumped at the chance to do first aid. He couldn't bear to look at Dabi for another second. His shirt was charred and tattered, and his cold fingers worked diligently at Kaminari's arm. I can't believe that just happened. Dabi seems so... familiar. "I'll bandage Kaminari. Bakugo, I need you to bandage up Kirishima. Izuku, contain the villains and call the police." Todoroki's voice was a calm beacon that cut through the ringing in Bakugo's ears. He worked quickly and methodically, and his determined demeanor made Bakugo feel better. We have things under control, Bakugo told himself, although he wasn't quite sure if he believed it.

While Todoroki and Bakugo busied themselves with first aid, Midoriya made himself useful by tying up the villains. The sound of broken glass under Midoriya's feet filled the room as he worked. He zipped across the room in a blur of green lightning. Gathering random pieces of rope strewn about the warehouse floor, Midoriya moved faster than he ever had before. Contain the villains. Call the police. Contain the villains. Call the police. He repeated the mantra in his head until the sentences blurred together. Dabi came first, as he was the most dangerous. Midoriya used the tightest knot he knew, making sure that the rope was snug against Dabi's hands and feet. He made his way through all the villains, occasionally glancing over at the rest of his friends to make sure they were okay.

Bakugo was a mess, and Midoriya fought the urge to call out to him. Kacchan doesn't look so good... Is that his blood? Or Kirishima's? Oh man, and Denki's arm is broken. I've gotta work faster! Midoriya grew more and more tired as he worked, and by the time he tied up Mr. Compress his body was aching. He hadn't realized it before, but he had broken several of his fingers in his fight with Dabi. The pain shot up and down his arm, and it made tying the final knot on Mr. Compress' ropes unbearable. It was a sloppy restraint, but he was sure that Mr. Compress would be knocked out for at least another hour. It's fine, he told himself, rushing over to join his friends. The police will be here soon. He fished his phone out of his pocket, taking in a sharp breath.

"Does anyone have a working phone?" Midoriya asked, holding his shattered phone with shaky fingers. Oh man, it must have broken in my fight with Dabi. My mom is gonna kill me.

"I don't even know where mine is," Bakugo answered. He was wrapping Kirishima's head with his dirty hoodie, trying to stop the bleeding as best as he could. He hadn't bothered to look up when he answered Midoriya, but the latter could tell that Bakugo had a scowl on his face.

"Check Kaminari's backpack," suggested Todoroki.

It hadn't even been ten minutes since their battle in the warehouse had ended, but to villains, time doesn't matter. Dabi peaked his eyes open groggily, careful not to draw attention to himself. Damn, that little fucker got me good, he thought, noticing a small ache in his head. He could tell his hands and feet were bound, and the knot was tight against his back. There's no way those brats took us all down... He scanned the room, seeing his friends strewn about. The closest one to him was Twice, and he could see his chest rising and falling ever so slightly. The good thing about heroes is that they're too pussy to kill us...

He could hear the boys a few meters away, talking about a phone. Well shit, looks like I gotta move quick. I guess it's just me and Twice. His eyes located the nearest door, his body still unmoving. Good thing I've been here before. He mentally prepared himself for the strain his body was about to go through: burn through the restraints, pick up Twice, create a wall of fire between himself and the boys, run like hell out of there and get back to the rest of the League without getting caught. Fuck me, he thought. I don't get paid enough for this shit. 3... 2... 1... Go! Dabi sprung to life like a reanimated corpse from the floor. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room as his flames activated, turning the old rope into ashes. He lunged toward Twice, his eyes fixated on the stunned teenagers sitting on the warehouse floor. "NO!" Midoriya screamed.

"Fuck you!" Dabi called, slinging Twice's body over his shoulder. With a dramatic wave of his hand, Dabi sent a wall of blue flames at the boys, separating himself from them. He knew Todoroki could put it out quickly, so he wasted no time in rushing for the door. Twice was heavier than he expected, and Dabi stumbled deeper into the warehouse. I'll lose them in the hallways and leave out the back. He ran through the dark hallways, his chest heaving and head aching. Fucking hell, Twice. Why are you so fucking heavy? He could hear Todoroki coming after him, the dirty floor freezing as Todoroki slid along. Better luck next time, little shit. Dabi pressed his hand into an inconspicuous impression in the wall, revealing a hidden door. He quickly ducked in, closing the door behind him before Todoroki could catch a glimpse of where he was. See you later, Shoto Todoroki. 


A few hours later, the two villains stumbled into their headquarters. "Shigaraki!" Twice called out, desperate and nervous. He was breathing hard, and his clothes were a tattered mess. His mask was peppered with burn holes. "Where the hell have you been? What happened?" asked Shigaraki, his eyes searching the space behind Twice. Only Dabi followed him. "Where are the others?"

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