Chapter 1

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A/N Photo to the side is how I imagine Harry, Elly's father A/N


~6 years ago~

"Dad? Dad no! Why do you have to leave us?" She cried.

"I'm so sorry honey, but I have no control over this. Just know that I love you both very dearly," he croaked in his deep, calm voice that always sang her to sleep.

Elly's father, Harry, was deathly ill. He was so terribly sick that he had to stay in bed all day, never to use what little energy he had left. Elly and her mother, Anne, were so torn up over his diagnosis that they refused to leave his side, only getting up to make Harry as comfortable as he possibly could be.

"Honey, could you please make me a warm cup of water?" Harry asked his puffy eyed wife.

"Of course darling, I'll be back in a few minutes."

As Anne left the room Harry started talking to his little ten year old daughter in front of him.

"If, when, I pass, I want you to remember one thing Elly."

"What is it daddy?"

"I want you to always remember to be kind and truthful so your life will be fruitful," he quoted. "Can you remember that for me?"

"Of course daddy, I promise to be kind,"she sniffed, wiping her wet eyes. "I love you so very much, please don't leave us here."

"I am terribly sorry but I must go, for it is my time. You will look after your mother won't you?"

"You know I will dad," Elly assured him. Anne walked through the beautiful white door and handed Harry the glass of warm water. He slowly sipped at it but he suddenly stopped and heaved it all up. Water was everywhere and Harry was coughing his lungs out uncontrollably.

"Elly, call the doctor!" Anne commanded. Elly complied and ran out the door to the telephone. She immediately called for the town doctor and, as quick as she could, raced back to her mother and fathers room. She was all but too late. Silence was all around her, all but the heart wrenching sobs of her mother.

"Father?" She choked, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. His calm, pale body lay motionless on the king size bed. His fading brown eyes still open as if it was like his heart was still beating. Elly numbly sauntered toward her mothers shaking shoulders fell to her knees next to her fathers stiff body, holding his hand firmly. Putting her other in her mothers hand they both mourned for their terrible loss that dreadful day.

~4 years ago~

Anne was bustling around throwing orders left and right, occasionally tripping over her magnificent, long dress.

"Elly, honey, can you please stop dawdling around and come over here?" She asked. Elly obeyed and shuffled toward her mother,who was dressed in a marvellous white dress for it was her wedding day. Elly was also dressed in a dazzling dress, only hers was a pale pink colour. She was a flower girl after all. Today was her mothers second wedding. She was marrying Ian, a seemingly friendly man with two sons, Blake was fourteen and Nathan was thirteen. They seemed pleasant enough, but Elly would soon find out how ugly her new stepbrothers could be.

"Elly? Elly, did you hear a word I said?"

"Yes I did."

"Okay, so you know how long to wait until you go down the aisle?"

"Thirteen seconds exactly," Elly replied monotonously.

"Good. Now I know you don't like Ian and his boys too much but I know you can tolerate them until you warm up." She smiled softly at Elly's young face. A knock at the door concluded the conversation. The chauffeur poked his head in and told us the car was ready. The bridesmaids, Elly and her mother made their way down to the sparkly, silver limousine. They all graciously piled in and the driver hit the gas.

Wedding music was quietly playing in the background while the newly-weds made their vows.

"I do."

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