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Please do know they're 13 and will act like 13.


Mei suggests filming everything just for fun, and of course memories. you all certainly agree, who would want to rewatch it again after so many years, and you get to film Mei in her panda form too, you sure gonna miss that soft fur after she banished her panda. 

She brought her family's camera and started filming, "is it on?" Miriam asked, before squealing a bit for the plan you're gonna do, kicking the 202 room door open. Her little scream caused you to peek at the lens of the camera doing a funny face just because, Abby doing the same while sipping on her pink shake.

"Yeah, panda!" she cheered, repeatedly clinking her fingers, as she took small sips of her drink.

"Let's go!" The curly-haired yellow uplifted, her monotone voice became lively for a second, also excited to see their celebrity crushes, "Fuel for domination." Priya gestured to the inside of the bag, with you laughing at the choice of her words.

"Money, Money, Money!" The tall one chanted, waving her hands like she's spreading cash all over the floor, with a smug look on her face, before the camera turned to you.

"We're gonna see 4-Town, woohoo!" you spun to the swivel chair you found at the corner of the room, leaning back too much that you fell backward with a wail of surprise, Miriam is practically dying of laughter as she help you up. Mei giggled knowing she got that on video, before turning the camera to the other two.

"stop hogging and give me some!" Abby claimed, beckoning the objects Priya set on the table. "Pass that over."

The camera shifted to another scene with Miriam and Abby, "4-Town here we come!" Miriam screamed gum stuck on her teeth making the short one spit her drink, chuckling a bit with a grossed-out face, but the smile is still present.

"Do it again!"

"stop! that's gross." Mei scolded while cackling, she moved the camera facing her. "alright troops listen up!" she straighten her body, waiting for Abby to turn on the projector, (which she did, with a harsh hit on top) before moving to the side at letters shows up in front. "Operation 4-Town shakedown is about to commence," she announced.

They all click their pens, while you just held your pencil, ready to take notes for the plan. "The boys are coming to the SkyDome May 18th," the red-head pointed the meter stick she found on the blackout cloth severely, "Our goal: 5 tickets. That's 1000 bucks!" she pointed at the screen filled with doodles of the 4-Town members, which you had also doodled on your notebook while writing. Pushing down a button, Mei continued. "Step one: neutralize the empress." she gestured to a drawing of her Mom.

"Mathletes? Isn't it a little dangerous to join an after-school club now?" you heard Mrs. Lee over the pay phone, but with Mei's way of words, she managed to convince her.

"What's dangerous is an academic record with a lack of extracurriculars." You waited for a response on any approval, and to your surprise, she agreed with a hum.

"Step two! spread the word." 

You and Abby are in charge of it step two. You gave Kevin multiple papers with the same one your friend has, as he distribute them all out to his friends at the back, who are also curious about the news you've been spreading. unknowingly to you, [c. name] glanced back, and caught a glimpse of the paper, deciding that he'll go there after school or at lunch.

Most of them are curious if it's just a panda plushy or a big sculpture of it.

You lead them to room 202, stopping at the door just after Abby made the first line go in. You can hear a bunch of squealing from outside the door but not in fear. 

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