ending one

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Ending one: [c.name] [c.last name]


the [brunette, blond, etc.] watches in silence, pretending to read something on his book as you stalk your way to your desk, smiling excitedly already thinking about what message is behind the candy, the boy caught himself being an idiot for holding the book upside down then flipping it on the right way just before you pass his desk.

[Crush. name] leaves a candy every day on your desk every first period, he makes sure to arrive early and that no one will take it. He asks for a bunch of help from your friends, and some of your classmates so you're the only one who can read the little message he leaves behind.

the boy found out about the existence of the candy when his big brother: Devon is arranging some of it on the shelves that one fell out, and he found the message behind it attention-grabbing. Devon smacks him on the back of the head after trying to dig in the candies to read all of the messages behind them.

His actions went unobserved by you. As you grabbed the sweets, released them from the wrapper, and placed the sugar into your mouth, before reading the note behind it. "you're the prettiest" you beamed at another quote it gave, blushing at the letters.

"another one?" [Crush. name] asked, throwing you a gentle smile, delighted to see you enjoy his gifts even if you don't know it's his. His heart-melting when you give him a nod, a smile never leaving your face as you took your seat behind him, "any idea who it might be?"

[Crush. name] can feel a particular gaze from your seatmate, the two boys share glances at each other as Kevin wiggle his brows at him with a smirk. the [brunette, blonde, etc.] only gave him a deadpan look, regretting it when he made the boy promise not to tell you about his plan.

"I don't know yet, but I hope I meet them soon." [Crush. name] gave you a love-sick grin as you pulled out a homemade box to put the wrappers inside.

You will soon, I'm just waiting for the right time. [Crush. name] thought to himself.

Kevin silently make some gagging movements beside you, catching the boy's attention. [Crush. name] only gave him an uninterest look, staring at him while the other boy snickered. His movements went halt when he met your confused stare, catching him in the act.

"Alright, get back to your seats, don't make me say it again." the teacher announced right after he got through the door, and began to write something on the board before anyone could even process what he just said. "today you'll be working in pairs, your choice of partner. then we'll assign which topic you're going to present on pages 190 to 203. start now, you can talk but not too loud." 

As always, your teacher is a fast talker but spoke his words are loud and clear. the room is suddenly filled with whispers and the sound of the chalk on the board as he wrote all the topics that his students can pick, in an exact number for all pupils in the class to perform in pairs. 

You nudge a friend beside you as he tried to search for the easiest topic on the list, "hey Kev, let's-"

"Of course, I would love to partner up with you john!" the said boy glances back at Kevin with a bewildered. 

"excuse me? My partner is [crush.na-]"

Ignore his words, he throws an arm around him, "so what topic do you wanna present, pal??" 

You disregard the boy next to you, brushing off his strange behaviour; sketching [fav. character] looking at their gorgeous face on the side of your book You'll just have to wait for the teacher to assign you to those who don't have a partner.

Unless you can have someone else to be your partner. maybe you could ask the boy in front of you to be a pair.

"dude, why did you do that? you know [name] is not that close to anyone here." [Crush. name] whispered-yelled at Kevin, who's only had a mischievousness glint in his eyes.

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