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"No!" Mei screamed, bursting into her Panda self as she slowly starts hyperventilating, stumbling over her steps. "The same night!? The same night!? What?!" She cupped on her temples, at the same time her breathing is starting to get worse.

"Mei, chill." Miriam voiced, gradually coming closer to her, pursued by you, Abby and Priya, doing your best to calm her down.

"We'll figure this out," you told her, taking small steps throwing her a gaze of comfort.

"It's okay," Priya assured her, holding her hands close to her chest, you noticed it with just a brief moment, and brought a hand to her back just in case she needed it.

"No, it isn't!" The panda spat, her eyes luminous red in anger. You all flinch at her sudden burst but didn't much mind it since it's understandable. She started to pace, slightly gripping her hair, "I can't miss 4-town! We worked so hard! But the ritual, I'll let everyone down! No, no, no!" the four of you let her ramble, thinking it's the only way to calm her down.

"Hey, Panda girl!" someone called from below, your heart dropped when you recognise the voice. Mei turned around, her eyes are once again red, gritting her sharp teeth altogether. you and the others also spun to the owner of the voice, who's standing next to the [brunette, blonde, etc], not knowing what will happen in the next few minutes. "What are you doing? We want more rides."

"Buzz off jerkface, I'm busy!" Mei snapped, sending a wave of shock over you knowing that this will not end up well. Priya was the first one to approach her, grabbing her arm, but the girl pulled away.

Tyler gave her a confused look, tilting his head a bit with an agape mouth, slightly worried about why her mood suddenly changed. "Oh snap," one of the kids commented, lightly pushing the curly-haired, while the others giggled at the back. "you gonna take that, Tyler?"

"Guys quit it." [c.name] scolded the group on the back, glaring at those who were enjoying the moment. Tyler, on the other hand not want to make a fool out of himself, especially on his birthday, put on a tough face but his brows frown unsure if he's doing the right thing.

"You want your money? Then get your butt down here now!" He demanded, the [brunette, blonde, etc] nudges him, telling his friend that it's not worth a fight, but the people around them make Tyler fight back just so he could fit in. 

"Forget your money, and forget you!" The panda shouted, almost launching herself to the boy in pure anger. You and the other manage to push her back, though it's a slow process due to her strength as a panda.

"Mei, let's just go." The twin-braided told her, also struggling to hold her back. You'll admit, she's quite scary looking like this, claws showing, teeth that could bite you off, but she's still Mei just a giant panda version of her, plus she acts like this whenever she's angry, the only difference is that she's strong and big.

"What about our deal?"

"Shove your deal!" You misstepped on one of the tiles, making you slide but it's a good thing Abby caught your arm in time, before going back to pulling Mei away from the fight with you doing the same.

"Fine, get out of here! Go back to your psycho mom!" Tyler yelled back, [c.name] is already pulling him back inside the house, scowling at the kids who keep laughing at the scene, to his dismay, the curly-haired stayed put and continued to shout. "and your creepy temple, you freak!"

His words set something inside Mei, breaking out of all of your hold, shoving you guys aside as she launches herself at Tyler with a yell, "Mei, no!" her hasty action, erupts a bunch of horrified gasps from everyone including Tyler.

"Take it back! Don't talk about my family like that!" Mei roared at him, her claws gave a scratch on the side of his cheek, his face just inches away from her sharp teeth, as she pinned him to the ground, repeatedly yelling plenty of things on his face. 

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