April Fools Gone Wrong // Angst

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This story is for @Chibii_Rose. Thank you for the request, I love this idea.

Charlie, Alan, and Glep slapped tape onto empty boxes, snickering at the idea of their April Fool's prank toward Pim. The three agreed they wanted to prank Pim somehow, but it was Charlie who came up with the plan to pretend that the Smiling Friends business was being sold out to the Frowning Friends. They were making the office look as bare as possible, as if the building were about to become vacant.

Pim soon came into work, immediately noticing the emptiness of the workspace.

"Guys, what's going on?" He asked hesitantly. "Why are you all packing up?"

Alan and Charlie exchanged glances.

"Well, Pim, I hate to tell you this, but Smiling Friends has been failing as a business. The only option for us to keep our jobs is if we allow the Frowning Friends to buy us out. We're going to have to work for them, so we're getting ready to move across the street." Said Charlie, suppressing a smile.

Pim stared at him in disbelief for some time. He slowly nodded, trying to understand. In shock, he offered to help pack up boxes. Alan smirked subtly at his ignorance. However, as soon as Pim placed his favorite mug into a box, he burst into tears. Charlie's heart dropped. He ordered the others to get out, leaving Pim and Charlie alone. Pim was shaking and had his head buried into his hands.

"Pim? Pim, I'm so sorry. It- it was just a prank. It wasn't funny. I don't know what I was even- I'm sorry. I'm sorry."  Charlie rambled, rubbing Pim's back.

Pim refused to look at Charlie. He was still crying, but no longer out of sadness. He had never been so angry. The one thing he could rely on, the one thing he seemed to be good at, was his work. He had no decent family. He had no worthwhile hobbies. His so called friends had used his love for his job as ammunition to hurt him. And all for one stupid April Fool's joke.

"I don't forgive you." Is all Pim said as he calmly stood up and left the room. Charlie rubbed his knuckles together, desperately thinking of how he could make it up to Pim. But there really was nothing he could do other than fixing the office. So he did. But Pim did not come back.

Days later, Charlie and Alan came into work together.

"Still no sign of Pim." Said Alan flatly.

"God, I really fucked up this time. What should I do? I don't think he wants to see me right now, but I really want to check if he's ok..." Charlie explained.

"There's really not much you can do. You're right, he doesn't want to see you." Alan replied.

"I can't take it anymore, man. I'm going to his place just to check on him." Exclaimed Charlie, quickly leaving the office and driving to Pim's apartment.

Sweating, the yellow critter knocked on the door. Pim opened it, and stood silently.

"Hey Pim, I just wanted to make sure you're ok. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Asked Charlie.

Pim stared at the floor.

"I don't think you understand. That job was all I had. I thought you were my friends." He murmured.

"We are your friends, Pim. I just... really made a bad call. I promise you, we won't prank you ever again. I feel terrible. Just come back to work." Pleaded Charlie.

Pim's glaring eyes softened. He hesitated for a few seconds, and quietly replied,

"I'll think about it."

AN: Poor Pim :( Let me know if you want a part two.

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