April Fool's Gone Wrong Pt. 2

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It had been two weeks since April Fools's day, and Pim still hadn't come back to work. Charlie had gone to check on him a few times, and Pim was always physically fine. However, he hadn't softened one bit toward Charlie. Until today.

Pim, looking awful, showed up to work an hour late. He had deep eyebags and a wrinkled, old shirt that was much too big for him. His droopy eyelids and slow movements made it clear that he had not gotten any sleep recently.

"Pim! Oh my god, uh, what's up? How are you?" Questioned Charlie, jogging up to his shorter friend.

"I'm fine." He answered, a little flattered by Charlie's unusual enthusiasm.

"Listen man, everyone here feels awful for what happened. If there's anything we can do to help you out, let us know." He offered.

"Ok, thanks." Pim replied dryly.

Alan entered the room, barely even noticing the little pink critter. When they caught each other's eye, the lanky man gave a subtle upward nod to his coworker. This was the most emotion Pim had ever received from Alan, and he couldn't help but smile a bit. He really does care, in his own, strange way.

When Alan left, the silence between Pim and Charlie grew thick. The latter tapped his fingers against the table rhythmically, and slumped down further in his chair. Finally, Pim sighed, then said:

"Charlie, I think I overreacted about the prank. I know you didn't mean any harm, and locking myself in my apartment for two weeks only made things worse. So... I'm sorry about that. But please don't do anything like that again. You can joke about anything else, just not this job. It means everything to me, and I don't think I could handle life without it. So.. yeah."

Charlie nodded.

"That's totally reasonable, Pim. I promise I won't prank you like that again. And don't worry about your reaction. I get it, this means a lot to you. You had a right to be angry."

Pim smiled.

"Thanks, Charlie. I knew you'd understand. I just needed some time."

"Of course, man. And hey, do you wanna go see a movie or something? It's been weird not hanging out for so long." Asked Charlie.

"Yeah! Not until work is over, though." Pim replied.

Charlie rolled his eyes, suppressing a smile.

"Got it."

AN: I hope you enjoyed part two of this story! This is my first time writing a sequel to anything, so I'm sorry it's shorter than usual. I don't think I'm gonna do a part three to this specific storyline, but if you have any other requests feel free to let me know :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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