-_Chapter 6_-

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This chapter was a little rushed so I apologize if it is kinda bad-

Mikey's POV

Draken and I have been attending classes together for about a year. During this time I have been trying to get used to Draken's scent. But instead, we have grown closer and I would say we're best friends of some sort...

"Hey, are we still going to watch that movie later at the dorm?" I asked while we walked down the busy halls crowded with people.

"Yeah, I, unfortunately, don't have anything better to do," Draken said nudging me a little with a chuckle

"I'm not that bad! You just don't know how to have fun!" I said trying to sound persistent, but I was right Draken's idea of fun is a night at the gym or sleeping-

"Whatever-" Draken said before we walked into our next class. Draken sat down first since I sat behind him in this class. Which was unlucky for me because I can never see unless I look around, but Draken lets me use his papers sometimes.

I lay my head down on my desk waiting for the same familiar bell to ring. As soon as the bell  did ring the door slammed shut which caused me to jump up. The teacher which teaches this class is very nice so I don't get in much trouble for sleeping. He also understands that I am an Omega and Draken's scent is very distracting.

Just as I was about to drift off Draken reached back and nudged me a little. I was ready to drift off so I just looked up.

"Mikey you can't just sleep in this class every day," Draken whispered trying not to be too obvious.

"Yes I can and I will.." I whispered back and before I even realized I had drifted off.

When I woke up Draken and everyone else was gone, so I went up to the rooftop where Draken, Baji, and I usually eat. When I got up there only Baji was sitting in our usual spot on the phone with Chifuyu I assumed.

"Where's Draken at Baji?" I asked which made Baji look up at me with a confused face.

"How long have you guys been hanging out? Almost two years and you don't know what time of the month it is?" Baji said trying to restrain a laugh which made it a little hard to understand him.

"Whatever I already finished my work for the rest of the day, So I'm going to head up to the dorms," I said trying to understand what Baji meant, but that took a little too much thinking so, I left it alone.

When I got to the dorm the first thing I noticed was the same cinnamon smell, but it was stronger than usual. I honestly think this is normal since it's the same smell every day, so I ignored it and went in. When I went in I saw the same thing I saw every day A tidy bland living room.

I walked to Draken's room and knocked twice and waited for a little. I waited about 5 or 6 minutes before Draken opened the door. He had a glint of sweat on his forehead and he was shirtless. I could feel my face heating up, so I wanted to hurry and say what I needed to say.

"Why the hell did you leave me in the classroom! You didn't even wake me up!" I honestly didn't care if I sounded like a brat.

"Mikey I honestly don't have time for this right now...So can you let me be alone?" Draken's face was a little flushed and he was still sweating a little.

If I'm being honest he looked sick or...Pre-rut. Which would be bad for me and him because of the obvious.

"I'm going to stay with Baji for a little so..-" Before I could finish Draken had grabbed my hips and we were kissing. When Draken finally let me go I was breathless and speechless. His voice, mood, and smell had changed. That cinnamon smell had somehow got sweeter and stronger... Draken felt warmer than he had ever felt.

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