Chapter 1 - Yours

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Four months of touring had led you here to this moment. Shoved into a car with four men, their manager driving the car. Not one of you were thinking when you climbed into the back seat, but you all knew that you needed to get out of the thunderstorm, quickly, before things went even more south. Even though you couldn't possibly think of anything else that could go wrong. Not only was this day three of this last-minute festival that was booked by the manager, but this was also day three of you having to keep an eye on four men as they weaved in and out of this festival drinking, partying, and being rock-stars. You couldn't blame them – the tour was long, and this was their way of celebrating the end.

However, tonight was awful.

They set the boys on a different stage which led you to set up way too quickly. The lights kept turning off, as well as mics and Michael's guitar a couple of times. And the cherry on top: it started raining. Not just normal summertime rain, it was a quick, loaded almost flooding rain, that drove most of the audience away. The set couldn't even finish when it normally did because of freak lighting that scared the shit out of everyone, causing you all to be where you are now. All of the tech crew raced to get the instruments out, and you were in charge of getting the boys out of the rain and into safety – which apparently was to be shoved next to the car door, Ashton's bulky body next to yours, his drumsticks he ran off stage with were underneath your right hip. Luke was next to Ashton, his head lulled back, eyes closed, Calum and Michael in the seat in front of you. None of you said a word, you just all looked ahead until the car eventually stopped in front of the massive Airbnb they had booked for this particular festival in Tucson, Arizona.

"Ah fuck" Luke muttered looking up at the rain through his window. It was still pouring, literal cats and dogs, and none of you had the slightest urge to run out in it again, even though the door to the house was less than 10 feet away.

"Wait for the next bolt of lightning to strike, then we all get out, deal?" their manager said, looking around the car at all of us. We all nodded, and Ashton picked up his drumsticks, his large hand snaking under your thigh, causing you to blush a little.

Lightning struck, Michael grabbed the door handle and opened it, turning quickly and cursing loudly as he pulled down the seat so the three of you could get out. Calum ran out the other side, slamming the door. Luke ducked and hesitated as another flash of lighting struck across the sky, pushing himself out as the thunder rumbled. You could barely make the silhouette of Sirrea in the doorway, waiting for Luke with a towel. Ashton shimmied out of his seat and got out, then stupidly turned around and held his hand out for you, getting absolutely drenched. You were still pressed against the car door, having no sense of urgency.

"Ashton! Get into the house!" you squealed, scooting your butt against the leather towards him. Instead of yelling something back, he did something you didn't expect – he flashed a playful smile, making your cheeks go hot. Between his own sweat and the rain, his curls fell on his face & over his eyes. His cheeks were slightly red, his dimples that you loved so much popping out from behind his beard. You tried to hold back your smile, but his radiance always got to you. He was so kind, so passionate, and so deep about things – thinking about the way he thought about life always floored you – and drove you to be closer to him.

However, you were hired to be their assistant, making sure they were well looked after and taken care of during the tour. They were four grown men, so it didn't take much – as long as they got to places on time (never happened, as much as you tried), were meeting the right people, and didn't get too drunk in public that you'd have to talk to the press later about, this job was fairly simple. You met Luke first, instantly feeling comfortable and welcomed around him. Michael and Calum were next – again, instant connection and friendship.

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