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'For the record, the current date is October 13th 2008, the time is approximately 10:57 am. I, William A. Carson, will be standing judge for the reading of Gotham vs Valeska. We may now proceed, have the ladies and gentlemen of the jury come to their verdict?'

'We have your honour'

'Very well, in the circuit court of Gotham City, New Jersey. Gotham vs Valeska, case number 1000NJ6660G, what is your verdict?'

'We find the defendant, guilty'

'With the verdict, Miss Valeska, by the city of Gotham, you are found guilty of first-degree manslaughter of your mother, Lila Valeska. Due to the violence of your crimes and an in-depth evaluation of your mental state, you are hereby tried as an adult and are sentenced to a minimum of nine years in Arkham psychiatric institute to serve your sentence and receive psychiatric treatment. Court adjourned'


JINXED!  Edward NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now