Chapter Thirteen

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I'm queuing up our next Star Wars movie when Jace comes back downstairs wearing sleeping attire, his glasses perched on his nose.

"What did you pick? Pretty Woman? Notting Hill?" he asks as he plops down onto the couch next to me.

I stick my tongue out at him. "Actually, no," I say, nodding at the television. "I figured we could just continue our Star Wars marathon now that we're done with the newer movies and it's time to go back in time to the 70s, apparently." I shake my head. "Still so weird how they did that..."

Jace looks at me with something like admiration in his eyes. "Wow, Desi. You chose sci-fi over romance. Maybe I am rubbing off on you."

My face flushes and I clear my throat as I press play. "Do you want any snacks?"

"I shouldn't with it being so late, but everything feels a little surreal right now. So why not fuck that up too? Bring on the snacks."

I give him a sly grin and look back at the kitchen. Like I'm directing traffic, I move my arms and call forth the items that I've learned are his favorite when watching movies. A cup of ice and a can of Coke float out of the kitchen along with a bag of chips and gummy bears. My magic places the items on the coffee table, and a carton of Ben and Jerry's and a spoon drift to my open hands.

"So fucking weird," he mumbles, grabbing the chips. "My very own demon Jedi."

The strangest burst of pride swells in my chest. I've never really been proud of my powers before; everyone in Infernis has some sort of power, depending on their rank. But Jace referring to me as his very own demon Jedi is, well, I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel like I actually belong here, which means more than I care to admit to myself.

"That's me," I say, opening the ice cream and digging in. "Is this your favorite? You keep saying we haven't made it to your favorite movie yet."

"It's top three, but Return of the Jedi is my favorite. I should give some deep explanation, but if I'm being honest, it is for one stupid reason." He pops a chip in his mouth and stares at the screen.

Is Jace serious? He can't leave me hanging like that. I just told him my biggest secret in this realm and he can't share why a movie is his favorite? No. That will not do. The man owes me at least this.

I gesture for him to continue. "And that would be?"

His cheeks turn a shade of pink and he grabs his glass of soda. Bringing it to his lips, he quickly says, "I may have had my sexual awakening with that movie."

My eyebrows hit my hairline as I think about the dinosaur looking creature, the gold metal man, and the one creepy guy with the red and black face. "Wait, what? With who? Jar Jar Binks?"

"What? No!" He sits up straight and tips his head toward the television. "Princess Leia."

"Ohhh," I say with a nod. "I see. Was it the space buns or the white robe that did it for ya?"

His eyes take on this dreamy glaze like he is picturing her in his head. "No. There is this one costume she wears that always took center stage in every wet dream I had from fourteen until...well, sometimes even now."

I'm silent for a moment until laughter bursts from me and I bend over, clutching my stomach. "Jace, stop," I say through my tears. "You are in your mid-twenties and you still have wet dreams?"

"Damn right I do when I dream about that fucking costume. You don't understand, Desi. It is the epitome of sexy. It is the costume that puts every sexy nurse and French maid outfit to shame. I'd rather a woman walk into my bedroom in that costume than one piece of skimpy lingerie."

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