I Am Enoch

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My name is Enoch Aizenhower. I was born with a gift. I was immune to every virus known to man. I could even reproduce with the species known as Animas. The doctors could never figure out why, they just knew that I could.

When humanity was wiped out I was taken in and sheltered by a group known as Eden. They never told me how they became aware of my existence though I suspected they had infiltrated the facility where they ran tests on me. 

Eden looked after me, though they could never brainwash me. I was immune to that too.

In time they made me a general in their military. But even then, I could never show my face to anyone. That was when I began visiting the village close to my base. I had gone in search of friendship. It was there that I met my wife. When Eden found out about her they decided to allow it. Soon after, my daughter was born. 

Eden ran tests on my blood as well as hers. I would only much later discover their goal. But for some reason our blood did not activate their machine. At this point I began to suspect that I wasn't human. Unfortunately I never could discover what I truly was since none of the specialists I saw had ever seen a DNA sequence like mine. Despite that they did conclude that whatever I was, I was at least modelled after a human. As a result I chose to adopt humanity.

After the fall of Eden I created my own faction in the hopes of dismantling the orginization from the inside. I was joined by those who felt that Eden had gone too far.

It is here that I must apologize. When we became aware of your presence at the weapons trade I sent my daughter to terminate you. At the time we did not know who you were. 

Before I end this video there are several things you need to know. The first is that I have transferred full command of the Serpent faction over to you Christopher. I believe you will make good use of your newfound power.

Another thing is that your family is at the top of Eden's shit list. Act accordingly.

The third is probably the most important and dire news I have to share. Lillith yet lives. You merely killed the first Lillith. But out there are at least five more. Each is a powerful enemy and none are the same species. Lillith had managed to implant parts of her conciousness into these children and if they unite with the sixth body, Lillith will be reborn more powerful than before. 

But there is a way to stop her. There are four Adams. One among them can kill her for good. But that would require something from the remaining three Adam's as well as each Lillith. Though I have no idea what that thing is.

So to close off allow me to say one more thing. 

Lilly. Your mother would have been so proud of you. And I am too. I love you my daughter. Goodbye.

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