A simple human girl

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When i woke up i went to town to see maru walking around before anyone else woke up. "hey what are you doing up so early?" i walked closer to her. "oh um i was visiting Hayley and emily. they are good friends" she looked worried and kept moving her hair. "ok. well have a good day." she thanked me and hoped a good day for me too, i smiled to myself wondering why she was hiding her elf ears. i spent the day with alex, hes doing alot better now and we stayed in his room as he worked out making up for the days he was out. "so what happened with that vampire boy then?" he asked lifting a dumbbell as i laid in his bed talking. "i dont know, i guess im going to his bands show next week. you have to come with you have no choice." "of course, anything for you ren." dropping the dumbbell he sounded tired but went for another set. "wait so you and that other werewolf what was that?" i sighed loudly. "how am i supposed to know. guess ive been around yall for so long im all messed up inside." i turned to see him doing his last set and staring at his muscles twitching. I wanted to look away but damn it was like a world wonder, too wonderful to stop looking. "oh hey did you see that little elf girl? maru i think" i said trying to stop my brain from becoming mush. "oh yeah, i dont know why but it seems like shes trying to hide her ears." we talked about her a little longer and then i left so he could eat with his family. I waved goodbye and bumped into maru on my way down. 

"oh hello ren, sorry!" she said putting her hair back to the front of her face. "are you embarrassed about being an elf?" "elf?! oh no im human just like my mother." she looked angry. "its ok to be an elf. elfs are smart and pretty cool." i said as i left her behind me. "have you met my dad?" she ran up to me. "no...does he live here?" i realized i dont think i even saw him. "yeah...hes usually working. but howd you know i was elven then?" she grabbed my hand and looked up at me. i moved my hand away. "your ears. dont hide them, they look good on you." i walked down to the beach to meet with willy about fixing his boat. she stayed back in town and when i turned around she looked confused and blushing. after seeing willy and agreeing to help him out i saw elliot walking on the beach. "hey can i ask you something possibly too personal?" he stopped and smiled at me and sat by the water patting the sand for me to join. "of course. i love questions." i nodded and sat beside him. "were you born in the water or the land?" he smiled and laid down not letting water touch him. "merpeople who were born in water are more fish and are green, ones who were born on land look like me." he smiled at me and i nodded "so this all depends on the birth giver?" he nodded and then showed me his home, it was a small shack and had a piano. he told me how he likes to write and is trying to publish a book, a few hours went by and i decided to head to cindersnap to hopefully get some quiet. no offense to the merman but he really enjoys conversation. 

i sat in the quiet and listened to the wind and the way the crickets chirped. then i head someone coming toward me, it was maru trying to be quiet and watching me. i let her stay far back for a while until 2 hrs passed and she was still there. "you know i can smell you." she gasped and apologized for following me. "man vampires have a great sense of smell." i nodded, "we can hear pretty ok, i mean better than humans but definitely not as good as werewolves." she sat beside me and i ignored her. "so do all vampires just have no emotions?" she looked upset. "no some of us are very emotional. just takes alot of....contact with those people. im that way with alex, i act almost human with him." i thought about my life with him, it was always fun and when it got serious we were a perfect team. hes been in alot of relationships though and never showed that kinda interest in me. which never really bothered me but i did always wonder what it would be like. "so you and alex are...a thing?" i finally visually acknowledged her, but to her surprise i looked angry. "no. hes my pack. my best friend. we protect each other." i said in a harsh tone and looked back at the river admiring the way the light hit the water. she apologized and asked more questions, "so vampires cant love werewolves?" "we can. ive known a few that have. the trouble is the children that come from the relationship always die. it causes alot of stress on the couple and its so sad when it happens." "so even if you wanted to be with alex or..any of the werewolves you could never?" "no, i could because i dont ever want children. i intend to be the last of my bloodline. if anything ill turn someone who wants it, having a child...it feels like im forcing them to live this life that they have no say in. its cruel to me." my voice changed and i could hear my tone go from monotone to a saddened one. i immediately took a breathe calming down. 

"im sorry. i shouldnt have asked. but if its ok i have one last question." i nodded, "would you...turn me?" i looked at her and saw how serious she was. "why. youre an elf youll already live a long life, even if your only half youll still live up to your 3,000th birthday." she sighed, "i dont want to die though. i want to see the end of the world. i want so much...but only being half elf means eventually i wont be..." i shook my head, "no. i refuse to help you. maybe if you were full human or even had a logical reason but your reason is...its ridiculous. why would you want to see that? its not exciting, or special. youll see a place you lived die and youll continue? for what? science will have already gone far enough that you wont be able to further it and when all the questions are answered what then?" she sighed, "yeah thats what seb said too. sorry ill..go" i rolled my eyes and vanished back to my farm in annoyance. i watched my crops and planted some more seeds and suddenly a blonde fairy stood above them, she looked at me and smiled. "here to help!" she waved her wand and made half my crops grow, then her sister came and did the same making the rest grow. I thanked them and gave them both a small gift. "thank you, have a wonderful night!" emily said to me as they flew back home. I picked my crops and headed to the saloon, the place was packed. everyone in town was there, it was 7pm on friday. 

"hey thank yo...um thanks. sorry haha" gus stopped himself from saying yoba. I sat at the bar and emily gave me a drink. "your in..human form?" she smiled and nodded, "well its pretty hard to lift a plate as a fairy haha" she smiled at me making me smile back softly. i turned to see shane brooding in the corner and watching everyone in town. he looked like he was protecting them all. "hey shane." i said as i scooted down to talk to him. "oh..he..hey" he nodded and looked at his drink trying to avoid eye contact. gus returned to me, "so do you need your meal...now? or next month?" "next month is fine i still have enough." shane looked at gus disapproving, "i thought this stopped when the old man died." he said harshly. "he died cause he didnt have enough human blood. unless you really want me to die as well, do you want that?" i said making him make eye contact with me. "no...ok fine but make sure youre being safe. night." he walked out and i chuckled as i payed and headed out only to be stopped by maru once again. "is my brother in there?" she asked me walking up the step so i couldnt really move. "yea. but i want to not be here so move." she started yelling about how shes not a pushover and i cant talk to her the way i have. she continued until everyone in the saloon could hear us and opened the door to watch her yell at me. she pushed me inside and i fell to the ground, i waited for her to be done. my face not even twitching and staying in the same bored expression as when i saw her. 

"fuck you! and youre stupid monotone face!" i heard seb laugh and suddenly i didnt want to be yelled at by a little elf girl. "you know i was gonna let this slide and ignore everything that happened but your brother thinks this is funny." i stood up and grabbed her hand as we vanished onto my property. i pushed her down onto my couch and leaned in, shock and blush filling her face. i got closer to her neck and right before i fake bit her i realized something. i couldnt tell before. shes not gonna make it to 3,000. "youre more human than elf." i whispered in confusion and stood up away from her. "wh..what? how did you know?" she already tested her own blood, she knew how long shed live. shed still live a good human length life but...its not nearly as long as a elf would want. "what...60 years? thats what you got?" she nodded, "give or take...thats why i wanted...to turn. and my stupid half brother gets to be a vampire. someone who hates life and just wants to stay in his stupid house and live like a rat in a gutter...but i want to explore, i want so much from life." she sat up and started crying. "im not gonna help you maru. im sorry but...all that desire for adventure will die with you as a human...elf." she nodded. "yeah i realized that, i just wish there was a way...ya know? and the doctors elixir is only gonna work for so long with my mixed blood. ive already lived a pretty good long life honestly, 40 years is a long time." i nodded remembering what harvey had told me about giving this potion to everyone in town causing a longer life for everyone who was mixed. "maru. im really sorry." suddenly my window shattered and my door was torn down, seb and sam were in my house and sam was transformed. abby came a few seconds later having actually ran here. 

"Wait...you didnt hurt her?" abby said confused. "of course not. do a magic check on my farm abs." she obliged and gasped. "thats a powerful calming protection spell. how?!" i shrugged. "im 122. im gonna know alot of stuff." maru smiled and forced a hug on me, i didnt hug back but instead stood there waiting for her to let go. she finally did and thanked me as she left. "so....that was weird. lets go." sam said already have turned back. abby followed and seb looked around. "ill fix this again...sorry." he went home to grab his tools and came back later to fix it, we both stayed silent as i watched tv and drank my blood and he fixed the door and window he and his friend broke. 

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