4 (questionable relationship)

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"Is it my child?!"
Sidhant stared staring at naaz's belly.

"N-no it's not, it's my baby" naaz shouted holding her belly.

"Is that so? I'd like to talk now ,are you really going to leave?"

Naaz sat on the chair in front of him.

"Its seems my questions were ambiguous, I'll ask again am i the baby's father"


"I dont know why you keep thinking that miss naaz"

"Listen, mr shukla you and i .... There's nothing between.."

"There was one night..I didn't use the protection that night and it was your first time, contraception..."

"Yes, that's right" naaz shouted.

"I took care of it later and you're not the baby's father, it's someone else we're to be married soon, have i answered all your question!?"

"If what you say is true then you have a man you plan to marry and slept with a men you just met, and then you came to the clinic to verify if you're pregnant or not with your friends? You realise your explanation make no sense right?"

"Even if it doesn't it has nothing to do with you" naaz said looking down towards her lap.

"If you're worried about my qualifications as a teacher then I'll talk to khushi's parents as a third party I'll appreciate it if you could stay out of it" naaz said looking staring into his eyes.

"Why are you trying so hard to deny it"

"Because it really isn't you"

"It's a bit hard for me to understand, all the circumstances point to me being the father, miss naaz it seems it is all so sudden that you need some time to think well its the same for me..."


"Why don't we meet again tomorrow to talk?"

"Wait i cant..."

"I believe your friends are waiting for you outside so i wont offer to take you home"

"Friends?" naaz took a look outside the window and saw himanshi and asim looking keenly at then while sitting inside the car.

They have been here the entire time.

"I wasn't expecting today's meeting so I'll need to head out aswell, i hope you get home safely" sidhant said and started moving towards the exit.

"Wait, what? See you tomorrow? What?"

"What does he want?"

Himanshi called naaz.

"We'll take you home" himanshi said from the other side.

"Really are you sure you'll be alright?" Himanshi asked.

"...okay then" himanshi cut the call.

"What did she said?" Asim asked.

"Se said she's going to see her mom and then head home"

"Why is she going there all of sudden?"

"I dont know maybe she wanted to see her mom"

"Are you kidding? You know what kind of relationship naaz has with her mother I'll go and get her so she doesn't go alone" asim opened the car door to go outside.

"Whose boyfriend are you? Asim?" Himanshi said making him again sit inside the car.


"Naaz is not a kid, you know."

"Who said she was? As a friend I'm just..."

"Do you realise it has been one week since we last saw each other"

"You know i was busy with the startup and you weren't busy today?"

"It's been so hard to get a response from you these past couple of days because you were so busy, but as soon as i told you about naaz you came running, didn't you?"

"Himanshi what are you talking this isn't like you"

"What's 'like me?' My boyfriend and my best friend have seemingly questionable relationship how could I pretend not to notice this?"

"You're overreacting!"

"It was obvious you were so focused on naaz today that you didn't notice me at all"

"Before you and i started dating we three of us were friends first, questionable relationship no way, naaz has no one to take care of her and one day just like today offcourse I'd be worried about her, that's all it is, so stop saying things like that"

On the other side naaz's knock on the door of his mom's apartment.

"Why do you look so tired?" Naaz mom asked as she opened the door for her.

"Thanks mom you look great too"

"Take a Look at the way you talk to your mother"

"... i must take after you"

"So its not the holiday that brought you here this week, do you have something to say?" Naaz mom kept the cup of tea in-front of her.


"Well then" naaz mom started reading a book.

She didn't come to her mother expecting to be comforted but she taught she'd at least ask her how she was doing.

Naaz should've known better.

"Mom... have you heard any news about dad lately?"

To be continued....

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