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Shehnaaz had been feeling uneasy and restless all morning. As the day progressed, she began to feel increasing pain in her lower abdomen. She knew what was happening and called out to Sidharth who was in the living room.

Shehnaaz: "Sidharth, I think I'm having contractions. It's time for the baby to come."

Sidharth, who was taken aback by her sudden announcement, jumped up from the couch and ran towards her.

Sidharth: "What do you mean? Are you in pain? Do I need to call a doctor?"

Shehnaaz: "Yes, I'm in pain. It's time for us to go to the hospital. We need to hurry."

Sidharth: "Oh God, I don't know what to do. I've never done this before. Should I call someone? Should we take the car or an ambulance?"

Shehnaaz: "Don't panic. We need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Let's call a cab and go. I'll guide you through everything else."

Sidharth, still nervous and unsure, quickly called for a cab while Shehnaaz grabbed her hospital bag and waited for him to get ready.

As they got into the cab and headed towards the hospital, Shehnaaz tried to calm Sidharth's nerves.

Shehnaaz: "It's going to be okay, Sidharth. You don't need to worry. Just focus on driving safely."

Sidharth: "I can't help it. I feel so helpless. I don't know what to expect or what to do."

Shehnaaz: "That's okay. We'll figure it out together. The hospital staff will guide us through everything. Just be there for me, okay?"

Sidharth nodded, trying to hide his nervousness, as they drove towards the hospital.

As they arrived at the hospital, Sidharth began to feel even more nervous and unsure of himself. He had no prior experience with childbirth and was afraid of what was going to happen.

Sidharth: "What do we do now? Where do we go? I don't know anything about this."

Shehnaaz: "It's okay, Sidharth. Just follow my lead. We'll go to the labor and delivery department and they'll take care of us from there."

As they walked towards the department, Sidharth's nervousness began to show.

Sidharth: "What if something goes wrong? What if I can't handle it? I don't know anything about this."

Shehnaaz: "We're in good hands. The medical staff here are experienced and will take care of us. And I'll be right there with you. We'll get through this together."

As they entered the labor and delivery department, Sidharth was greeted by a nurse who asked them a series of questions and began to prepare Shehnaaz for the delivery.

Nurse: "Hello, I'm Nurse Maria. Can you tell me how far apart are your contractions? Have you been feeling any other symptoms?"

Shehnaaz: "Yes, they're about 5 minutes apart. And I'm feeling a lot of pressure."

Nurse: "Okay, we'll get you into a delivery room right away. And you, sir, can wait in the waiting room until it's time."

Sidharth, feeling even more helpless, followed the nurse's instructions and went to the waiting room. As he sat there, waiting for news, he began to reflect on his lack of knowledge.

As Sidharth waited in the hospital waiting room, his mind raced with anxiety and fear of the unknown.

Sidharth: "What if something goes wrong? What if I can't handle it? I don't know anything about this."

He tried taking deep breaths and calming himself down, but the fear persisted.

Sidharth: "I should have prepared better. I should have read up on childbirth or taken some classes. I feel so useless right now."

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