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To share a responsibility with i caressed my belly i sometime completely forget about this little angel growing in me.

"I see" it made me a little sad.

"Are you angry" stupid he I'm currently saddened by the fact that he thinks more about our child than me.

"No, I'm just a bit tired" i turn to leave maybe i had been hoping for a more romantic answer.. maybe i like him a little.. no, i think I've come to like him alot more than I thought.

I think i wanted him to give me a reason more personal that just to share responsibility with.

I thought maybe he felt the same way i do... i guess that was a wishfull thinking i sat on the couch again of the hall.

"Would you like me to fry some eel for you?" He shouted again from the kitchen.

"Sure whatever you'd like" i shout back, i picked his tablet up in my hands and my eyes widen looking at what i just saw.

"Sidharth whaf is this?" I shouted making him ran and come towards the hall as he sit beside me and raise his brows "why does it say my name on your schedule of today?" I asked him still staring down at the tablet.

"Ooo... that.. it's a reward I'm giving for the first time in four months" he saod making me look like I've seen a ghost what does that mean now? "Huh?" I asked indirectly.

"Today's schedule.. it's a rewards I'm giving to myself after working non- stop for almost four months"

"Yeah, right but how is that a reward? You haven't rested at all today because of me"

"To be honest it didn't feel right that we have to push back our honeymoon so i made sure to clear my schedule, i really feel like I'm being rewarded right now"

"Are you a workaholic? Do you feel nervous when you are not working?" I look at him what a complete idiot he is people run away from work and here he is, at least i dont have to work that's enough for me.

"I work alot that doesn't mean i like it... also it's not that i like to do house work" he brought his hands near my face and kept it over her cheek making me flush "it's that i like being with you" but he said all we are doing right now is sharing a responsibility.

He encircled his arms around my shoulder and brought his face really close to my face "did that move you? He said pulling me closer to him "then can you give mw a kiss?" He asked coming closer and he himself connected his lips with mine just a mere peck was making my heart beat run a marathon.

I was looking at him in anticipation as he parted away from me i wanted him he again opened his mouth and connected it to mine until our tongue fight for dominance as i fall back on the couch, i feel like i myself dont know my feeling anymore.

The next day i got ready and go to the school as i was already late and had taken almost of the leaved i was about to open the staff room door when i heard the three teacher gossiping about me i stoped as i wanted to hear their conversation.

Teacher 1- naaz is so shameless, does she even know how uncomfortable she made her fellow teachers? It's like she thinks she is the madam chairman of this school.

Teacher2- it's because she is the wofe of chairman.

Teacher1- all I'm saying is they rushed into for the marriage because she got pregnant. Could you say their marriage was the real one?

Teacher3- yeah she moved up the social ladder but she also could be kicked off once the baby is comes out.

Teacher2- why would you say something like that specially when the person you are talking about isn't around here?

Teacher1- I'm just concerned about her that's all.

Teacher3- it is fascinating though i wonder where she met the chairman.

Teacher1- why are you curious about that?

I stepped away from there instead of entering inside and went out towards the garden of the school.

Im tired. I dont know if this is because of this pregnancy or if this is a spring fever but I constantly feel like napping these days...i was hoping to take a quick nap in the nurse office before the after noon class but before that i heard something I shouldn't.

I already knew most of the stuffs were uncomfortable around me i wanted to try and go back to them just the way it was before when this all happen..

In a way I could understand her point of view.. since there was no denying that my marriage was the most rushed one and it is what happen if you look at it from the surface.

It doesn't matter that i wasn't the one who pushed to marry because of the baby i looked at the diamond ring on my ring finger.

Especially when this marriage was not the marriage of love.

Why dont i want to ask all these questions to sidharth that I should have asked before the marriage happens.

I wanted to ask that if he wanted this marriage only because of our child and that sense of responsibility or if some other women was pregnant with his child.. would he marry her to? Would he treat that girl the same way he treated me?

It was so easy when I thought that i was attracted to him just physically but now I'm getting attracted to him by not just the way he looks but also the way he treat me and the way he is with me.

I sighed deeply i know me sighed ing this much is not good for the baby's health itself but what should i do now my head is filled with alot of questions which i dont know i will ever be able to get answers of..

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