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The two stepped quickly through the rain as low rumbles of thunder filled the air. Alchemy kept her gaze to the slick sidewalk, still feeling the nausea of that sickening nightmare. Though, with the Doctor by her side, she could feel the fear rolling away, similar to how fog vanishes when the sun comes out. 

Maybe we can find a nearby hotel. Though, I don't know if either of us have the money. We could always just..sneak through a window.❞ 

He laughed. His laugh was... contagious, ironic considering he's a plague doctor. Alchemy found herself giggling.

❝Maybe. Especially since there doesn't seem to be people around.


Just curious, dear. Do you- need to talk to someone? About anything at all?

Alchemy felt like vomiting at that sentence. It was true, she probably needed to speak about the past situation. It was haunting, and it felt like she was drowning in the cold. Yet- with no people, the Doctor was probably the only person that could be like a therapist. But she was so shy, so nervous and embarrassed to suddenly spill on someone she just met days ago. 

❝Probably.❞ Alchemy shrugged. The Doctor hummed in a few seconds of silence.

Well, you can always talk to me. I may not be the best at advice, but I care. I care a lot, especially towards a lady who seems so..lost. I will try my best to help you. I won't stop until you're improving, getting better. Alright?

That was like music to her ears. It took a lot of force not to bawl her eyes out right then and there. Maybe the Doctor is different. He will be better than everyone else. Better. Finally.
She felt his gloved hand pat her shoulder as she got the breath back to speak up.

❝Thank you.

The beaked mask turned to her for a few seconds. It was still lifted slightly, as she saw a light grin upon his lips. This simple action pierced through her heart like an arrow. 


A shower of arrows from the sky-! The sky! 

Jesus Christ, duck-!❞ 

The two practically fell to the ground, huddled together. As fast as they were launched from an anonymous sight, they fell, thankfully short of the man and woman. One stuck out like a sore thumb, though. It had a paper attached. 

They slowly rose up as Alchemy cautiously approached the one with the note, plucking it off and opening it. Her attention was suddenly sucked to the words scribbled onto the paper, barely hearing the Doctor's retort of What the fuck was that about?!❞.


❛ I'm    g on na    ge t   yo u     



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