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       All characters in this story other than Y/N belong to me and my friend. If any of these characters seem similar, or clones of your OCs, please do not accuse me of stealing. It is simply coincidental. I assure you i did not purposely take another's idea.

chapter 一

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chapter 一


                  The [F/C] cat's eyes fluttered open, blurriness obscuring their vision as they adjusted to the warm morning sunlight. Their head ached with a buzzing sensation, almost like a cloud of fuzz had replaced their brain. 

They gritted their teeth while slowly lifting their head off the fluffy nest they'd woken up on, studying the small clearing around them while their eyes adjusted. Apart from them, adjacent to the tall dirt walls were numerous other nests lined thickly with cotton, leaves, and perhaps a bit of animal fur. Only one other nest was occupied. The other cat's back faced them, so they couldn't make out any of its features apart from their soft brown fur and darker brown spots. 

High above them, a thick canopy of vines, leaves, and bramble were weaved into a roof-like structure. The plants had been intertwined so intricately that they doubted it was a natural occurrence. Soft rays of sun shone through the ceiling, bathing the clearing in a warm greenish gold. To the far left of the clearing, a boulder broke through the edge. The crack going through the side of it seemed big enough for a considerably large cat to slip through it, which made them suspect it was either a more private den or a storage area.

This entire clearing was unfamiliar to them. They couldn't recall seeing such a place, although they were quite astonished by the calming sense of beauty it held. Come to think of it, no matter how much they tried to recall their memories, nothing came to them. They had not a clue of their name, or whereabouts, much less how they got there in the first place. They wondered for a moment if their headache had to do with their lack of memory.

A soft voice interrupted their thoughts. "My my, looks like a very sleepy someone has woken up! Honeypaw, would you go be a dear and fetch Pepperstar?" A younger, yet more chipper voice answered with a quick. "Yep yep! I'll get him right now!"

The confused felines's gaze was met with baby blue eyes that gave them an odd sense of warmth and motherly instinct. Somewhere in their depths swam a lurking emotion of grieving almost as if the she-cat was mourning over something or someone. The female's fur was a rich palette of caramel brown and white, freckled with black. She seemed almost too calm, too mature for her young age. 

Her appearance was quite fitting to the rest of the den. Soft and welcoming.

"Hello there, darling! My, you must've had a nasty fall to get that head injury! Any clue on what happened to cause such a misfortune?" Her accent was soft, her entire look, personality, and voice all convinced the cat of her sweet nature. She was nice. Very nice. So why did they feel suspicious of her? Like there was something off? 

The [F/C] feline shook their head, frowning slightly at the dismay that puddled into the female's warm eyes. They felt a small buzz of happiness to know why their head hurt so horribly. It was short-lived. 

 "I... should've expected as much. Good thing your wound healed up nice and clean, at least? You've been asleep for quite a while now." Their [E/C] eyes looked up at the she-cat almost expectantly, as if waiting for something. There was a lingering look of confusion mixed into their eyes. 

"Oh! How rude of me! I haven't introduced myself yet! I am known as Sweetbriar, the current medicine cat of NettleClan." The [F/C] cat replaced their discreet frown with a smile at the revelation of the kind she-cat's name. Their nose was still scrunched though... What's a medicine cat-?
 They were prepared to reply with a short explanation of not knowing their own.. title? but the arrival of two new presences averted their attention.

A tortoiseshell tom with an air of utmost importance strode through the apparent entrance of the den, soon followed by a small, short-legged cat with a mainly cream coat. With the older tom's much longer legs, the short male looked as if he was out of breath just trying to walk alongside the other.

"I brought.. Pepperstar! I need-.. need to lie down for a moment." He immediately flopped onto his side, his tongue sticking out like a dog's would while he panted for his breath. His words were broken up by gasps of air. The supposed Pepperstar chuckled at the apprentice's silliness, then turned to the mystery cat before him.

"I believe it is best that I ask a few questions. Would you mind?"

The cat's aching head was beginning to rise in pain levels due to the amount of noise and new cats added into the den, although their instincts told them to bear with the aching and be of some use. They are just a stranger to this.. clan after all.

Settling with their choice, the cat gave Pepperstar a small smile and answered, "No, I don't mind at all." 

I truly do apologize if this is short in the eyes of any readers

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I truly do apologize if this is short in the eyes of any readers. I do always try my best to keep X Readers Gender-Nuetral as well, so if there is a mistake, please tell me!

I, unfortunately, have bad scheduling and motivation, updates are sparse and likely not to the best quality...
I hope you will enjoy the story as we go along! Remember this is only chapter one of - 健忘症 - so there will be much more to come! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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