Paper Rings

125 7 13

Trigger warnings: Shouting, nightmares, crying and mentions of death.

Race rested his head on Albert's chest. Albert ran his fingers through Race's hair as they looked up at the sky.

"Did you there's 200 billion trillion stars in the sky?" Race asked, gesturing up at the sky. "We can only see 9,069 of them but even then we can only see about 2,000 of them without a telescope on a very dark night."

"Wow," Albert said in amazement. "That's so cool."

"Yeah. And stars travel in companions and clusters. I'd like to think you're my companion."

"We're definitely companions," Albert agreed, pressing a kiss to Race's forehead.

Race smiled and cuddled himself into Albert's chest.

"Look at the moon. It's so bright tonight," Albert commented. He smiled at the look on Race's face. "You look like you have facts. Spill."

"The moon is a quarter of the size of the Earth and the gravity there is a sixth of our gravity here." Race rambled. "It doesn't produce its own light too. It reflects light from the sun."

"You're just full of facts." Albert watched Race, smiling. "I love them."

Race blushed and turned around so he was lying face down on Albert's chest.

"The moon reminds me of when we met," Race commented. "It's so high in the sky."

"Like how Finch was so high he thought he was able to fly."

"That was kind of funny," Race laughed. "I don't remember much from the night except the really cute boy I was with all night."

"And who might that have been?" Albert teased.

"You," Race said, pressing a kiss to Albert's nose.


Race grumbled as he was dragged along by Jack.

"I hate you," he grumbled, glaring at the back of his older brother's head.

"No you don't."

"I don't," Race agreed. "But if you keep dragging me to parties I will."

"Racer, you need to get out of the house. All you do is study and play board games with Mama," Jack said. "You need to get a life."

"I have a life. I got into an Ivy League school and have great grades."

Jack sighed. "College shouldn't be your life."

"'College shouldn't be your life.'" Race mocked, a smug grin on his face.

Jack chose not to reply, deciding to wait until they were at the party to try converse with his brother again.

"Just have fun Racer," Jack instructed. "And don't do any drugs or drink anything you or someone you trust poured."

"Aye, aye, Cowboy." Race mock saluted before walking off in a random direction away from Jack.

Almost immediately he bumped into someone.

"Sorry," he blurted out quickly. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's alright. I don't mind when pretty boys bump into me."

Race blushed at the compliment. "I'm Antonio." He held out his hand for the boy to shake.

"Albert," the boy replied, taking Race's hand and kissing his knuckles. "Can I get you a drink?"

Paper Rings || A Ralbert SongficWhere stories live. Discover now