Just the girl I love!!!

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I woke up this morning feeling fresh, thinking about my day today. I'm going to see her...her name is Ariana Grande and she is beautiful. 'Ariana Simpson' taking my last name Bradley Simpson (we all know me from the vamps). Well I have a big thing for Ariana, she is so pretty...I really like her!!

Just got ready and now texting her. 'What shall I write, what shall I text her' I was just thinking what to say, then I had it. 'Hey do u want to meet up at the Renee's Cafe?😘😘' she replied...'yea brad why not! I'm really looking forward to coming!😘' My face turned red as roses. I couldn't believe that I was actually going out with Ariana... I'm so excited I can't wait....

Then 2 hours later... We were there sitting at the table, she looked stunning. She said to me, hey so how are you, so I said back to her 'yea thank you I'm good how are you'. Then we just kept talking about how we love singing and how we like each other then I said would you like to go on another date? She said... Yes!!!

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