00 | the results are in ... you're bruce's kid!

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— the results are in ... you're bruce's kid!


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THERE ARE A FEW MOMENTS IN LIFE EVERYONE REMEMBERS PERFECTLY; CAPABLE OF DESCRIBING WHAT HAPPENED WITH THEIR I'S DOTTED AND T'S CROSSED. Augustine Finley didn't have much in her twenty-three years of life that seemed deserving of such a spot in her mind. She remembered where she was when she got her acceptance to Princeton, Dick was sitting next to her and he took her into his arms afterwards. After that came the medical school acceptance letter — she was off to Johns Hopkins for that one, once again with Dick beside her taking her into his arms. See, the one common factor being Dick Grayson. He had been there for most of her defining moments. Every major event that led to Augustine Elisabeth Finley becoming who she is. Hell, he flew back to Gotham City to be with her while opening the medical school acceptances (and rejections). But that was also the last time that Augustine Finley saw him — at least, it was the last time she had seen him in the flesh. With the ability to bask in his warmth as he took her into his arms for a hug. To look him directly in the eye as they stared at each other.

Augustine Finley didn't think much of those moments, they were too real in her mind. It reminded her of everything she had lost before. She could lsit off every last detail of those memories; where they were, what the room smelled like, the food she had eaten earlier in the day. All of those memories seemed to break her heart (could you call it heart break?), or at the very least made Augustine's heart feel as though someone was gripping it with their bare fist. A part of her yearned to see Dick Grayson again, he was (is) her best friend. One of the only people she ever trusted with secrets, one of the few people she trusted in general. He understood her, for the most part at least. They both struggled through the galas and the fancy clothing together, half the time they would sneak off during the parties just to escape the world they had been brought into. As much as the two understood each other, there was one big dividing factor between Dick and Augustine. He was brought into a world like that when Bruce Wayne adopted him, his sense of uncertainty as he learned the ropes was almost expected. Augustine Finley was raised in that world of riches, she was taught from a young age how to stand correctly, how to smile at others, what jewelry looked best with certain colors. She knew exactly how to exist in the world that Dick Grayson felt so out of place in.

Maybe that was one of the things that set them apart in the end, the difference in their formative childhood years. Dick Grayson had a relationship (a good one at that) with both of his parents before their untimely death, he wanted to do everything he could to make them proud. Augustine Finley had a complicated relationship with her mother (which only became more complicated when she found out who her father was), she followed in her footsteps but as for why? Even she couldn't tell you.

"Miss Augustine?" Margaret walked inside of the study that Augustine had inhabited during her summers that she returned home from school, giving the blonde's shoulder a nudge. Augustine let her eyes open slowly, glancing across the room while she adjusted to the morning light. She shifted slightly to move her neck out of the uncomfortable position it had found itself in overnight, looking down at the book she was trying to read and take notes on before sleep called out to her. Augustine turned to the woman that she had known her entire life, giving her a soft smile.

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