01 | a call for help

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— a call for help


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AUGUSTINE FINLEY (WAYNE? SHE WASN'T SURE WHAT SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO GO BY NOW) WAS MANY THINGS, BUT UNPREDICTABLE WAS NOT ONE OF THEM. She always went for the safe choice and always had her life planned out with options and ideas about what she wanted to do. Augustine Finley was the picture-perfect example of someone who had their life together. Of course, all photos look good because they're capturing a specific moment in time. Much unlike a video, which would show how someone's dropped something after a photo or how they tripped taking their next step. Augustine Finley would not be a perfect example of anything in the video, it's what made her human (or at least semi-human). Living her life in a routine was comforting. Especially now that she was the person who could call the shots. Now that she was the adult who had a voice. The person people looked up to. Perhaps this all stemmed from how she grew up. There was no structure to a home run by Harlow Finley — trauma surgeon by day and Gotham City vigilante by night. Half the time Augustine sat around the manor waiting for her mother to return, not much different from scenes in movies of parents waiting for their teenage child to return from a party. Augustine couldn't remember a time when she had her mother do the same for her. Her mother never had to do the same thing for Augustine.

Augustine never really had the chance to be a kid. Or a teenager. She always had someone or something to worry about. Whether it was her mother returning from working in one of the worst cities in the world (come on, everyone knows Gotham is unsafe for literally anyone to walk through. crime rates are through the roofs even with two vigilantes). Or trying to see if her mother would return from patrol with any major injuries. The other half of her time was spent worrying about her best friend — whether or not he was okay as well. Because he was out there doing the same thing. Putting his life on the line to try and get back at the world for taking away his parents. From taking the thing he cherished most. He was carrying on Batman's legacy. His mantra. Augustine spent a lot of her time worrying that Dick Grayson was turning out too much like Bruce Wayne. Which, ultimately, couldn't have been more true. Especially when he cut off all ties with her when he started the Titans.

That was four years ago — at least Augustine thinks it was four years ago. She didn't exactly write it down on her calendar. Not many people typically mark down the last phone call they had with someone they once considered their best friend thinking it would be the last conversation they have. No one thinks like that. Not even Augustine, who knew at any moment the people she loves the most could die doing the things that made them feel safer. Augustine liked to say she was an optimist about the world. That she had hope in the things going on. The things that could and would get better. She had started off medical school that way, full of life and hope that she could do good in the world as a doctor. It was her way of giving back to the world around her, trying to help the people of Gotham and just people in general. Medicine was her way of being a hero without having to wear a mask at night and beat up criminals. The only way she wanted to be like her mother.

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