4/18 - 4/22

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"So what do I with this bat?" I asked lifting up the bat Jonah gave me. "You know the blunger right?" I nodded still looking at the bat he gave me.
"That's what you hit it with." He said opening the chest. "And there's two of them?" I asked looking at him.
"Please tell me you're not releasing the both of them." I said gripping the bat tighter holding it high. "Now why would I do that?" He asked unbuckling one of them and hitting it with the bat he has. "What are we playing again?"
"Don't drop the bludger." He said hitting it up towards the sky again. "What does the winner get?" "What do you want?" He asked flying towards me.
"Um I get to pick the next date." I said hitting the bludger. "You're already doing that though." He said giving me a look. "I am?"
"Yeah, that was the deal right?"
"Deal?" "That was a bad way too put it," he said grabbing the bludger.
"Really was. But since I already get that I want something else."
"And that is?" He asked hitting the bludger as far away as possible.
"For you to finally kiss me." I said flying my broom next to his.
"That can be easily arranged." He replied leaning in.
He leaned in and kissed me. He finally gave me what I've been waiting for for months.


     "Hey Kay." I said sitting next to her in the Great Hall. "Christina finally. Have you talked to Corbyn today?" She asked sliding me my favorite kind of pie.
      "No, why?" She just shrugged and looked back down at her food. "Is it important for me to talk to him?" I bumped her shoulder and she just shrugged again. "Kay come on."
      "I can't tell you. He has to tell you himself." She replied taking a huge bite of her pie. "This is unfair. I would tell you something about Zach." "You never been pranked by a Ravenclaw before."


Daniel and I were both helping each other out for the springs auditions for choir. He was playing a piano in this room we found. We both never noticed this room and it's now going to be our spot. You know to hang out. Not to make out or anything.
"What's wrong? You stopped singing," he said as he slowly stopped playing. Shrugging I put my paper down looking at the lyrics. "Come on it has to be something. You love this song." He stood next to me taking the paper away from me.
"Why haven't you asked me out yet?"
"You want me to ask you out?"
"The only reason I didn't like you was because I thought you was still with your ex." I said looking up at him.
"So you have a crush on me now?" "Always did."


"Jack." Gabbie said before hugging me from behind. "Gabbie," I respond turning back to face her. "Where were you during potions?"
"I was in the library doing homework for Charms." I said resting my hands against her waist. "I thought you didn't take Charms." "I never said it was my homework. Cocking my head towards where Tate was sitting.
"Why were you doing her homework?" "I lost a bet to her," I replied shrugging. "What was the bet?" Oh you know, when I'll ask you to finally be my girlfriend. "Nothing that you need to know."
"Tell me. I can just ask Tate and you know she'll tell me." She crossed her arms pulling away. "I don't think she will in this case." I said pulling her back to me. "That's unfair."
"It's not unfair." I replied leaning down going to kiss her before she pulled away. "I need to tell you something," she said looking up at me. "And that is?" She put her hand on head, her eyebrows coming together. "Do you have a or are you always this hot?"
"You're adorable."


      "What are we doing tonight?" I asked looking up at Zach. "We're doing the homework you missed last week."
      I groaned putting my face in the pillow. "I don't want to. It's a Friday night. Let's do something fun, Herron."
      "Like what? You're behind in Potions because of me." He said laying next to me making me look at him. "I'll be fine," I said laying my head on his chest.
      "You sure about that?" He asked playing with my hair. "No," I said pulling him closer. "Tired?"
      "Yeah. Can we just stay up here for the rest of the day? I don't want to deal with anybody else right now." He nodded still playing with my hair. "Anything for you," he said leaning towards me.
      "Hey guys we got snacks for movie night." Gabbie said walking in with Corbyn behind her. "And a bunch of new muggles movies." Corbyn said sitting next to Kay. "Scoot over, Zach." Gabbie said sitting next to Zach and giving everyone their snacks.

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