chapter 1

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"Hey everyone get down here and meet our new nanny!" Tuck yelled from down stairs. Every kid in the house dropped what they were doing making their way down the stairs secretly crossing their fingers Cassidy didn't scar this one off. Once Dallas made it to the landing she skimmed over her siblings realizing Cassidy wasn't there and let out a breath.

"Y'all get down here." Tuck rushed, making his siblings scurry down the rest of the stairs and stand in front of the tall dark haired woman in front of them. "Everyone meet the new Nanny." He said patting the girl on the back. "I'm not a nanny." The older woman denied. Dallas almost felt sorry for her, the poor woman had fallen straight into Tucks flirt trap.

"Okay so That's, Bailey, Chloe, and the Twins Dylan and Dallas." Tuck introduced. "Hey y'all, is your Mama or Daddy around?" The girl asked. "I'm having a breakdown, my truck, and emotional."

"This family seems to cause a lot of those." Dallas muttered, earning a jab in the side from Dylan. "Actually, our mama died two years ago." Tuck told her solumnly. The woman's face immediately turned to one of guilt. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She apologized. Tuck gave her a tight lipped smile putting his hands in his pockets."Thank you." He replied sincerely. Brody stepped forward putting on his best smile.

"And thanks for showin' up Nanny.." The girl shook her head rapidly holding a hand up, signaling she was not a nanny. "Uh, no Bailey. Just Bailey. I just need to use your phone, call a mechanic, get back home- Where ever that is." She stressed. Chloe squinted her eyes putting her hands on her hips. "You for got where you live?!" The young girl asked astonished. "Did ya' check the tag on your backpack?"

Bailey crouched down to her level smiling lightly. "Honey I wish it were that simple. Never date a musician." Dallas furrowed her brows getting ready to say something, but a Crack of thunder rumbled, stopping her. "Oh honey. It's okay." Bailey cooed holding on to Chloe. "Is there a phone I can use? A home phone, cellphone, Xylophone." She asked.

As Bailey walked away from Tuck, Dallas stepped towards him slapping him on the back of the head. "Really? Flirting with the new potential Nanny? Real mature." She hissed. Tuck turned to her pursing his lips. "You're one to talk." He snapped back. Turning to Bailey he stopped her from grabbing a phone off the counter, "I wouldn't bother the storm knocked out all the power lines." Bailey sigh throwing her hands to her sides.

"Of course it did. Why do you hate me?!" She asked looking at the sky. Chloe remained attached to Baileys leg making her have to walk over to a chair and set Chloe down on it. "Look how great she is with kids!" Tuck exclaimed fondly. "She's straight up Mary Poppins bro. I think nanny number ten is a winner." Dallas rolled her eyes, Tuck obviously wasn't gaining the concept of 'I'm not a nanny.'

Bailey turned to him with wide eyes. "Ten nannies? What is wrong with yall?" She asked as another little girl came down the stairs. "Her, she's got anger issues." Tuck replied.

"Don't forget the two Nannies Dallas made cry." Dylan added. Dallas glared at him when he knew full well they didn't leave after she made them cry. "Are you kiddin' me?" The younger girl asked. "We aren't hiring her just because you fools think she's hot." Baileys eyes lit up and she smiled at the three boys. "You 'fools' think I'm hot?" She asked causing Dallas to scoff.

"For the record Tuck finds every woman in between the ages of 17 and 20 that breathe hot." She stated. The rest of her siblings nodded in agreement while Cassidy rolled her eyes turning back to Bailey. "Rèsumè ma'am." She demanded holding out her hand. The older woman frowned furrowing her brows. "I- I don't have a rèsumè." She explained.

Cassidy nodded putting her hands on her hips. "Because you think you can just stroll through life on your good looks?" She asked. Bailey looked down at her pouting slightly. "No! Because I'm not equipped to do anything." She sobbed lightly. Dallas let out a breath shaking her head. "Man this girls a train wreck." She muttered. Dylan stepped forward and Dallas groaned at the marketing expression on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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