Chapter 9 🍋

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Last we left off on the flame hero izuku and his classmates had just finished up their first day at us and now we start off with Izuku waking up for his second day of U.A and as we now focus on izuku sit up in his bed as he sees his girlfriend mina ashido hugging him on his waist that's when he spoke

lemon warning 🍋

Izuku opens his eyes to the morning sun rays hitting his eyes which he covers using his hands he looks to his side and sees his blanket covering a bump on his bed he smiles seeing the bump uncovering it to see a snoozing mina who's seen to only wearing a shirt and some undergarments *Ahem* What does brook ask women to take off? *Ahem* he decides to try and wake her up

Izuku: Babe can you wake up please~?

Mina: hmmm... daddy no... they're too young to go to... clubs... zzz...

Izuku: hmmm? I guess I have no choice then~


They're at their hang-out spot with mina all grumpy and pouting for some reason

Mina: I got punished for being late again!

Izuku: And why is that babe?

Mina: I woke up late at your house again!

Izuku: What do you want me to do then? You were sleeping soundly I couldn't wake you up hehe

Mina: How about teasing me! I would surely wake up from that!

Izuku: no! No teasing, it's embarrassing for me to do!

Mina: aww! Come on! I will surely wake up!

Izuku: ugh! OK, but it'll bite you in the butt in the future!

Mina: yay!

Flashback end

After that, he kept teasing her if she ever was asleep late but it also became intimate from time to time and very... kinky in some ways

Izuku softly blows to her ear as a first thing to try and wake her up... it didn't work

Izuku: slightly heavier sleeping today huh~?

He kisses her on the cheek and downwards off towards her neck areas giving her some hickies in the process... still didn't work though

Izuku: oh! Very heavy... guess there are 2 other options left then

He directs his hands from her hair dragging a finger softly downwards until it hit her chest area then towards her hip area and proceeds to take the bottom of her shirt and pull it up gently but enough to reveal her rosy pink colored d cup bazungas with a slightly darker color for her nipples

Izuku: my my~ what an erotic body you have baby~

He puts his hand over said breasts slowly grasping onto them feeling the smoothness of her flesh and slightly squeezing them he gets soft sounds from mina... it still didn't work?!

Izuku: oh~? Guess its the last resort again~

Were Izukus last words before he looked at her face and licked his lips and inches closer to her face slowly and slowly until he could feel her breath on his lower face and smell her slowly planted a kiss on her lips with his tongue entering her mouth exploring every space in her mouth while he squeezes her bazungas she slowly opens her eyes waking up

Mina: hmm... hm? Hm?!

Izuku sees this and backs off and stops squeezing her bazungas

Izuku: it seems you're finall- ugh! Hm!?

Izuku was pulled towards another kiss from mina was she had a look of lust in her eyes after a few seconds they separated

Izuku: who said you could do that~ I'll have to punish you now~

Mina: yes please~ punish this bad girl~

Izuku: good~ now why don't you take off my cover then~

Mina: yes master~

She did as she was told and took off his boxers revealing a 10 in phallus which she admires with her seductive smile and starts to hold in her hands

Mina: wow little master here looks active today~

Stroking It slowly and pacing it now and then while izuku lets out sounds of lust

She stops and licks the shaft and plays with the sack as izuku continues to do you know what

Mina: thank you for the food~

Izuku: try taking it all in then you bad girl~

She pecks the tip and slowly lets the thing in her mouth slowly and steadily taking it all in gagging her and taking her chances of breathing she takes it off and strokes it again

Mina: guess I still have it in me~

Izuku: that you do~ now why don't you turn around~?

Mina: as you wish master~

She turns around bending down showing her behind izuku takes off her wet undergarments revealing an oozing entrance, inviting his member to come inside

Izuku: can't wait huh~ guess I'll have to tease you for a bit then~

Mina: aww~!

Mina pouts but gets interrupted when something started feeling her entrance exploring every possible location it could reach she couldn't help but let some lustful sounds escape her mouth they continued this until she reached the point of orgasm letting out a louder sound as she orgasms

Izuku: I guess that's enough teasing for now then~

Mina: please put it in

She lustfully asks as he complies rubbing his phallus on her entrance and behind before letting it go inside slowly as both of them let their sounds of lust escape as the only thing they hear not moving anytime waiting for a sign

Mina:y-you can move now

Izuku: as you wish~

With that said izuku pulls it not letting it exit and thrust it back in with the same speed and repeating the process pacing up as they feel the end of the intimacy coming he goes faster and faster and takes it out at the last second as thick white fluids come out of his phallus landing in the back of mina he hugs her as they rest panting and breathing for air as the sun shines to them showing the sweat the secreted as they hug each other with affection

Mina:that... *pant* felt good...

Izuku: wanna stay like this for a bit?

Mina: sure...

outside the 4th wall

Ace: thanks for doing this mate!

???: you're welcome here's your lemon

Ace: So wanna keep it on the down-low?

???: yep gotta keep shit from being sinful in my account until I write my first lemon for me

Ace: I understand also again thanks

???: ciao!*leaves by portal*

Izuku the flame flame heroWhere stories live. Discover now