| Prologue |

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The night was dull. The quiet sound of leaves ruffling, sliding past each other as the winds blow, seem to be the only sound heard to the boy. The dry soil crunched under his feet as he patted across the dirt road.

The blonde boy was headed towards the playground, god knows why he's even out at this hour. Maybe the insomniac went insane, but the dark didn't bother him. It felt nice to be surrounded by an atmosphere so empty that you could almost feel it. The feeling took over the boy every time, and hell did he enjoy it.

But tonight was different,

tonight, he didn't feel at peace, not even a bit. He felt rather... noticed. He didn't like what he was feeling. Was someone following him? Who knew.

A heavy ting of curiosity ran across his back, he was so desperate to look back, but yet, he felt as if that was the wrong decision. Maybe it was nothing and he was just hallucinating, but that's rare. The boy has lived on for centuries, he's old enough to know when an unfamiliar presence is haunting him.

He shivered. It's just cold, he thought, I should've worn a jacket. The thought was more of a promise to himself, he knew that if he didn't reassure himself of safety he would go nuts. Sure, safety wasn't his number one concern, he had all the lives he could wish for, but there was a voice that was telling him that maybe this time it would be different.

He's been stalked before, by numerous amount of people, actually. Cops, detectives, creeps, admirers, you name it. But any of the listed was just not surrounding him. This was something new, a fresh creature. That's what he thinks of humans. The blonde tends to find them strange. They have weird interests and peculiar tastes in culture. Maybe that's just him thinking; of course he looks at it that way. Humans were different from him, they were like dogs, like live beasts that, no matter the cause, will always find the time and place to interfere.

He does admit that he finds them interesting, though. The blonde likes the way they yell as he slices their wrists open, aching for freedom. They seem to be scared of everything, especially the things that the boy considers "normal". The creatures tend to stress over money for one, they go from job to job, desperate to find one that doesn't throw them back out in the open.

A sudden "swoosh" sound came from behind him. The boy shot his head back, curious of the noise. There's definitely someone following. He thought finally.

He spun around, looking at the atmosphere around him. Nothing seemed off. It was quiet, even peaceful, not something a person would think in the middle of the night. He wanted to convince himself that the noise was nearly nothing but a hallucination, but he was sure that wasn't the case.

Maybe it was a bird, an animal maybe, but the sound came right from behind him. How could he miss this being? He shoved his hands into his pockets, shivering from the cold. He chose to ignore for now.

He started pacing at a faster rate, he didn't know why. This whole situation felt creepy. He never liked being watcher, especially in the middle of a night. His sprint turned into a rush, and the rush turned into a run. Whatever was after him, he had to get away.

He shot a final look back, and gasped with fear. There was a yellow-eyed, dark figure, definitely around his height, chasing him. No, not chasing, running at him. He continued running, he ran so fast that he lost awareness of his surroundings. This was not a good time to get captured. He's dealt with being kidnapped before, but this felt different. He turned to the right, hoping to lose the dark figure.

Run. No! Faster. Run for your dear life. No not like that! You're too slow!

He felt useless, but yet he kept running. He was too distracted to even look behind him.

Then light came. His house! He didn't realize he was running in the direction of his house! He felt sudden relief, but he didn't slow down. This felt more like a competition. He had to out run this guy. And who knows, maybe he has.

He reached his houses front yard and finally got the guts to look back. There was nothing. There was no longer a figure chasing him. No longer the sound of rough footsteps hitting the ground. Nothing.

He let out a relieved sight, he was safe, he hoped. But what if the chaser stopped on purpose? He definitely knew where the boy lived. But that was fine, at least now he felt safe.

All the running made him forget how out of breath he was. The blonde took his house keys out, and swung his door open.

He was home!

He closed the door behind him, making sure he locked it, and dropped against it, still panting.

He felt a tang of... loss. He had never had such intense adrenaline before.

He felt alive, for the first time in his immortal life time. Alive! This is what it felt like to be truly human.

He wrapped his hands around his knees, and dozed off right into sleep.

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