| Chapter 1 |

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Ian woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. Who was calling him? What time was it now? Last night felt like a dream, and the loud sound of his phone made him shake back into reality. He found his phone lying on the ground, with the buzzing finally becoming null, he picked it up.

The call was merely just a Spam Call, god he hated those. It ruined his sleep. He shook his head, why was he on the floor, did he pass out after last night? His dream felt comfortable, he was sure until now that he was in his bed. Well, too late for that now.

He let out a chuckle as he saw the time, 5:30 PM. How long has he even slept? That doesn't matter now. He felt energized from all the sleep he's gotten. He slowly got up from his current position, seeing that he was just lying on the floor, sweating. He stretched his arms, arching his back as he let out a loud yawn. He probably shouldn't sleep in till this late.

The yawn made him aware of his god-awful breath. He needed to shower, no matter how comfortable he was at the moment. How fully upstanding and ready to move, he headed towards the bathroom for a warm, nice, shower.


The blonde ended up taking way too long in the shower— to the point that his fingers were covered in folds and his body was cramped. The forever-lasting shower made him realize how much he missed last night, it gave him a feeling of a rush. It almost made him forget how scared he was.

To his luck— or bad luck in a way— this was all over now. He wanted to start the day, well, nearly afternoon, with a slow pace. He didn't feel like doing much, he barely had the urge to get out of the shower, even, but he had some plans set. He wanted to go out to a bar. He doesn't know why he chose that specific place, but he could put some use to it.

But the main reason he wanted to go out so much, which would be late evening, is to see that mysterious man from last night. He was sure that he already knew where he lived, so he might as well take this chance to stalk him even more, right?

The whole last night's 'adventure' made him obsessed with the man. God knows what he looks like, but he sure as hell doesn't care, (well... almost).

He doesn't know why the sudden obsession took over him, maybe he was just desperate for something new. The fear and terror that man gave him were indescribable.

This fresh new start, that's how he thinks of it now. This is the purpose of his life now, to meet the man with the bright, almost yellow looking, eyes which shone oh so brightly in the dull night. That man was his knight in shining armor, just not how it was told in the origins.


He had fallen asleep once again. The blonde boy, Ian, hit himself in the head, murmuring a disappointed fuck at the sudden, but yet a deliberately caused, sting. He completely forgot about his plans at the bar. He got so distracted in his thoughts after the shower that he dozed right back to sleep. Ian chose to blame the warm, comforting, water as the cause. He patted his bedsheets for his phone, eyes still half-closed, and met a hard surface under his hand. He picked up the phone and checked the time.

Great... He thought, Is there any reason to go out this late?

Yes, there is. He thanked God that it was not 4 like last time, it was merely only 10. By the time he gets ready, he is sure that he will get there before 11. Now that he thought of it, this was good. The now considered sleep-less stalker should be out by now. Who knows, maybe he has some other victims to catch?

But the stalker wasn't exactly the only reason he wanted to go out. Getting drunk this late seemed like a comforting idea. Maybe he would forget about all of this, who knows? He was tired of being high all the time, he had spent so much money on weed that it was becoming useless; he got so used to the feeling of the high that it doesn't hit him as much as it used to before. Getting drunk was the perfect occasion for situations like this, although he doubted any were as chill-sending as this one.

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