His POV #1

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"Hey, bro Rin wake up! We're running late. Shit!"

"Huh?" I lazily reached for my alarm clock on my bedside table to check the time. It's 8:30 am. "It's still 8:30 AM, bro."

"Yeah, and the class will start at 9:00 AM. So get the fuck up!"

Upon realizing my schedule I quickly get off my bed resulting in my head heavily banging the top bunk of this double deck bed. "Fuck!"

My younger brother, Ren, laugh at my stupidity. This asshole...

"Damn bro, you're the university genius get it together. Anyway, I'll go ahead, since I'm done with everything and I don't wanna be late. See ya!"

"Why the fuck you didn't wake me up earlier?!"

"I did, you just won't wake up so technically it wasn't my fault." He grinned at me before leaving the room.

"Shit!" I didn't waste more time contemplating why I'm so fucking in love with sleeping that I might get late for the first time in my life. I quickly took a shower, by quickly I mean five minutes shower, grabbed my laptop, notebooks, and other shits shoved it all into my bag, and opened the door.

Upon stepping out of the room, I locked the door before leaving the dorm.

I'm a fifth-year student of Architecture. This is technically my final year, if nothing goes wrong I'll be graduating this year.

My younger brother Ren is taking Civil Engineering currently a second-year student at the same university I'm studying at. We are staying at the dorm near the university because it's more convenient for both of us. It's just one bus away from the university after all.

The moment I stepped into the waiting shed the bus stopped right in front of me.

Good timing.

I chose the seat closer to the door so that I can quickly get down later on. Good thing I still have 20 minutes before my first class. The estimated ride to the university is 10 minutes so I can make it.

Most people occupying the bus are students of the same university. We don't have a uniform but it's recognizable because of the I.D. lace we are all using.

As usual, most of them are looking at me. This is nothing new to me because I'm well-known within the university. After all, I'm always the top one in the overall ranking. For some reason, I obtained the title, The University Genius because of my consistency in being the top one from my first year up until now.

Honestly, I don't like it. I'm not different from them yet they are treating me differently. It's also one of the reasons why I never had friends since elementary up to the present. They see me as someone out of their league when in fact I'm not. I managed to be at the top because I study and work hard. Everyone can achieve what I achieved but I guess not everyone has the resolve to do the same thing. Well, tough luck for them. And it's not like I'm lonely anyway.

"Q University." The bus driver announced so I immediately get up from my seat and went to the door. The door opens up, I was about to step out of the bus when suddenly I was pulled back inside, speeding before my eyes was a motorcycle that was supposed to hit me if I were not drawn away by a stranger.

"You shouldn't straight up get out of the bus without checking the perimeter."

I looked at the person who saved me. I'd already be lying dead on the road if it wasn't for this person. Standing in front of me is a girl whose height is just below my eye level. She has straight black hair reaching her waist and she's wearing a pink ribbon headband paired with a simple white summer dress and white Sneakers. She has a big adorable brown-colored eye---covered by her eyeglasses. Slightly pointy nose, fair skin, and thin lips. I have no idea who she is.

"Thank you."

She smiled, flashing her perfect set of teeth. "You're welcome." She then let go of my bag. I nod at her before finally going out of the bus.

That was eventful, I almost died but I was kept alive by that girl. Unconsciously, I glanced at my wristwatch only to realize that I only have five minutes before my first class.


God bless~ 💕

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