Her POV #5

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I blow my nose on the tissue paper. I already emptied the entire roll of it due to a sneezing spree.

I'm currently lying in bed with a cold. Yesterday was the last day of Foundation Week and our volleyball team managed to get to the final round. I did my best to contribute to the team but we're up against Rhianne's team and Rhianne is an absolute beast on the court. She didn't go easy on us and she keep spiking the ball on my side so I have to receive it most of the time. Her attacks are not that easy to handle, she really gave me a hard time.

She's definitely aiming for me all the time.

And because I experienced body pain the moment I reached home, now it became cold. Since I don't exercise on daily basis I expected this but not this much to the point of having a bad cold the day after.

I rarely catch a cold but when I do get it, it's just the worst.

"Rhianne why are you so cruel to me?" I sniffled under my sheet.

"You called?" Rhianne peeked at my slightly open door.

"Rhianne!" I stretched my two arms to welcome her for a hug.

She dragged my study table's chair towards my bed and sit on it. She has a plate full of fruits in her hand.

"Sorry, Aya. I can't hug you right now, you know, you're sick."

"Tsk. It's all your fault. If only you go easy on me I would have been better."

"That's why I'm here to pay for my sin. Come on up." Rhianne assisted me so I can sit. "What fruit do you want?"

"The classic, apple, of course. Peel the skin, please."

"Yes, Ma'am." She said before proceeding.

I smiled. "Are you staying over?"

"Nope, I won't stay for so long. Sadly, I have artwork to be done."

"I see. Well, that's not a problem."

"Here's your apple." Rhianne put the plate with slices of apple on the table. I looked at her deadpan. "What?"

"You're not going to feed me?"

She snorted. "Are you a kid? From what I can see you're just having a cold but you can still use your arm and so does your hand."

I crossed my arm. "And from what I remember, I'm having a cold right now because of one person who kept spiking the ball in my direction in yesterday's match. The person who is the sole reason why I'm suffering at the moment and couldn't get out of bed due to bad cond---" One slice of apple slid through my lips and inside my mouth.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Shut up already, eat and chew properly."

I grinned. "Thank you, Rhianne, you're the best."

"Yeah, yeah, except for the fact that I'm being blackmailed into doing this."

"So you're telling me that this is against your will and you're not sincere about 'paying for your sins' which you proclaimed earlier? If that's the case then I'm the one in the wrong here, is that what you mean---" Another slice of apple kept me from continuing.

"It's so hard having a smart best friend. The heck, Aya, you can even become a lawyer. Are you sure you're an Architecture student?" Rhianne frown. "I'm even doubtful if you're actually sick with how fast you talk and reason out."

"Now you're accusing me of faking my sickness when you can clearly see that I'm bedridden. Are you for real? Do you really care about your best frie---" Yet again, another slice of apple to shut me up.

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