Chapter 2

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Carlos POV:

Me and Dylan enter the halls for the very first time not as juniors but as seniors. The feeling of pride stepped in. Me and Dylan strutted the halls side by side to our first period of the day, math.

I look at the people in my class. Chad (the douch), Avery (one of the drug dealers, my favorite personally), I keep scanning the room till my eye's stop. Right at Salma. I have to already see her enough as it is when the band practices, why the hell do I have to see her again for an additional 1 hour everyday for 5 days a week.

Dylan had whispered to my war,"We can sit across the room from Salma if you'd like." He said but as I was looking at her she then moved her head to see me and Dylan, signaling us to sit behind her and her friend.

"Hi Dylan...hi Carlos " Salma said slyly as me and Dylan sit down. "How are you Salma?" Dylan says, trying to create small talk.

The teacher finished the roll call and then announced to the class about tutorings after school. "The tutors will be people at the age of 18 or over that'll help you pass your work, they will also do their best to help you understand more betterment..." the teacher lectured.

Lucky I dont have to worry about getting tutored since math is one of my favorite subjects in school.

The teachers still ongoing 10 minute lecture about tutoring wad interrupted by our very own principal, Principal Archer. "I would like Carlos Rodriguez to follow me please" the principal demanded while starring right into the depths of my soul.

"Good luck" Dylan whispered before I grab my things and follow Principal Archer out of the class.

Principal Archer was a 6'2 foot man. He was in his late 50s/ early 60s but don't be fooled by his age. Once last year before I was 18 I went out a skipped school so I could go workout at the gym. I saw MY PRINCIPAL doing Zuma with elder hispanic ladies huddled against him. He saw me skipping and punished me for 2 week's of ISS (In School Suspension). That man don't fucking play.

"Through that door Mr. Rodriguez" Principal Archer snatched me out of my thoughts. He opens his office door only for me yk find a lady sitting in one of the chairs. Principal Archer points tk the other chair for me to sit at. Once I'm seated thr lady turns to face me.

What the fuck is she doing here.

Author Note: Hope yall enjoy this chapter, I doubled the words and it's now 3:30 in the morning so that's enough for today. 😭

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