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"Where the fuck were you Vivian?"
Tony confronted me as he slammed the room door shut behind me after I walked in.

"Tony I told you I was with my aunt doing wedding planning stuff!"
I said- failing to look him in the eye as I started to undress into my pajamas.

"Hmm.. really? Because I called your aunt earlier and she said she had no clue about any wedding planning stuff and that she was at home all day.... and why the fuck do smell like cologne?"
Tony started to pace toward me until my back hit the corner of the room.

"You're always wearing cologne Tony! It's probably yours!....Fine fine! I'll tell you where I was okay?"
I desperately replied as he had me trapped. I just didn't want him to hit me- I had to come up with a lie quick.

"I'm sorry I lied to you Tony, it's just that I couldn't tell you because it was- for you."
I said.

"The fuck does that mean it was for me? Just tell me where the hell you were"
He shouted.

"I couldn't tell you what I was doing because I was planning a party for you- your bachelor party. I know that I'm having a bachelorette party and you aren't having one, so I figured I'd make some arrangements and surprise you."
I explained softly as I sat down on the bed.

"Now the surprise is ruined"
I said.

"Oh.....In that case- nevermind then."
His anger grew to a more confused calmness. He kissed me on the forehead and laid down in bed. Forehead kisses were Tony's half assed version of an apology.

"You know.... Maybe I will go to the Kremlin with you guys tomorrow, you are planning my bachelor party- it's the least I could do. I'm sorry if I've been acting like a dick lately Babe."
He softly explains as he starts to rub my thigh.

"Tony I just don't understand why you have no trust in me. I've done nothing to make you act so insecure like you've been lately"
I reply.

"I know Babe, it's just that ever since you found out Volodya- or Vladimir whatever his name is- is back; You just have been different."
He says as he examines my face closely.

"That's what's bothering you?- Babe how many times do I have to tell you- Volodya is like a brother to me. There's nothing more to it, I promise."
I replied as I kissed his cheek and ran my hands through his hair.

"Okay baby I believe you, I just wouldn't want him thinking he could steal my baby girl. Because your mine!"
He said as he grabbed me playfully and slaps my ass.
I squeal and giggle as we start to play fight until he pins my arms down on the bed and stares deeply into my eyes as he hovers over me. His face went from laughing and smiling to angry and sort of manic.

"You know..If anyone ever tries to steal you from me, That will be the end of them, and I don't give a shit who they are"
He states before rolling over on the bed and falling asleep.

I just laid in bed next to him as I couldn't get myself to fall asleep after that unsettling statement. My thoughts started to race in my head. Thank God I was able to lie my way out of that. Maybe I was playing with his head and gaslighting him now, but fuck it he deserves it! After all these years of him treating me like shit. I have the right to fuck with him now. Two wrongs might not make a right, but hell! It felt good. Part of me, deep down was only keeping our relationship going because I wanted to hurt him just as bad as he hurt me.

I couldn't stop thinking about Volodya. Our whole day together was amazing. I felt so much better knowing the truth about what happened with him and why he left. I was proud of him. It only made me love him more.. knowing all of the things he's done out of bravery and how far he's come all by himself in life. Him being so willing to struggle alone if it meant keeping his loved ones safe. Him being so disciplined and firm but gentlemanly and sweet at the same time. And he hasn't changed at all, that's what I was so happy to figure out. He's still the same little Volodya I met in 7th grade... Only now- he's a man. I also couldn't ignore the tension between us, it was obvious and practically bursting at the seams. I wanted him so badly, knowing he is single. But even though I might not love Tony, I still was about to marry him. It's wrong of me to want Volodya in that way. I should let it go. And Thanks to my little lie- now I actually have to plan a bachelor party for Tony.

Tell me I'm your national anthem (a Vladimir putin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now