Hope, positivity and feeing lucky 😉

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"Mmm, good morning" Maya smiled with her eyes still closed as she felt her wife press open mouthed kisses across her bare shoulder, her hand swooping the hair from the back of her neck, allowing her mouth access there too. As she kissed a path up her jaw, Maya rolled onto her back, turning her head to meet her wife's waiting lips. She pulled back slightly, opening her eyes to see beautiful brown ones looking back at her. "Hi" she whispered. Carina smiled, that smile, even after all this time Carina's smile still took her breath away. The way her eyes sparkled and her whole face lit up never failed to make her smile back in return, she simply couldn't be unhappy in the presence of that smile, she really hoped their baby had that smile too. Their baby. She wriggled down the bed slightly, tucking her head into Carina's neck, placing light kisses there as one hand made it's way to the soft skin of Carina's not quite baby bump and the fingers of the other tangled in her hair. "We get to see our baby today". She gently stroked her wife's belly, "we do Bella, how are you feeling about it?". Maya took a second to go over everything she was feeling before answering her wife "excited! I think a little anxious too but mostly I feel good, we can hear a heartbeat today right?" She glanced up at her wife, "we should, yes". Maya noticed how her wife avoided eye contact and picked at the sheet, she placed her hand on the side of her cheek and guided her to look at her. "Hey, it's okay, our baby's okay, there's going to be a heartbeat okay?" Maya continued as her wife went to respond "I know. We don't know that, we can't possibly know that until we get there. But we can be hopeful and positive and go in there believing that our baby is strong and healthy and growing, okay?". Carina smiled a watery smile "okay" she pulled her wife into a gentle kiss, allowing her insecurities to melt away, feeing safe in the arms of her wife.

Maya's knee bounced up and down as she sat on the couch in Carina's office. The doctor looked up from her computer where she was looking over a patient for Dr Wilson before their appointment. She noticed her wife's rising levels of anxiety and made her way across the office, sitting at her wife's side and placing her hand firmly on her knee. Maya, suddenly aware of her wife by her side, forced a smile before lacing her wife's fingers with her own, fiddling with her rings with her other hand. "Hope and positivity right bambina?" Maya smiled and leant in for a kiss "Si Dr Deluca-Bishop". Carina chucked at her wife and brought their lips together again. "Are you ready?" Maya nodded, standing up and pulling her wife with her, "let's go".

Carina sat on the exam table, her legs dangling off the side as Jo asked all the routine questions, Maya dutifully adding any details she forgot to mention. Dr Wilson finished tapping on the tablet before popping it down, "okay, let's have a look shall we?" She pressed a few buttons on the ultrasound machine, the screen lighting up. Pulling on her gloves she picked up the bottle of gel and waited for Carina to lift her top. She squeezed the gel onto her exposed abdomen, and pressed the wand against her skin.

Maya gripped her wife's hand, bringing their conjoined hands to her mouth, pressing kisses on the back of her hand. Her other hand rested on her wife's hip, thumb brushing on the exposed skin. From where she was sat, Maya could see the screen but Carina could not. The doctor kept her eyes trained on her colleague, trying to read her face for any signs something could be wrong. She felt Maya's hand grip hers tighter and she looked at her only to see her gaze focused on the ultrasound monitor beside them. She looked closer at her wife and could see tears forming in her eyes and she cleared her throat before speaking in barely a whisper "is that?..." she looked at the OB, who smiled at her and nodded, "that's your baby". She turned the monitor to allow Carina to also see what they were looking at. Maya stood up to look a little closer, a smile taking over her face as she was able to make out the tiny blob wriggling around on the screen. She looked down at Carina who was looking back at her, both with tears running freely and huge smiles on their faces. She leant across and kissed her wife on the lips, looking into her eyes before placing another kiss on her forehead lingering there until an unfamiliar sound filled the room. Carina gasped and lifted herself up onto her elbows, tears continuing to fall and she let out a relieved laugh and fell back onto the bed, wiping her eyes and releasing a slow breath. Maya watched her wife's reaction, and looked to Jo who was also smiling, "that's good right? Everything's good?" Carina squeezed her hand, "it's perfect bambina, strong and perfect". Carina looked to Jo "is everything else okay? Measurements and.." Dr Wilson interrupted "Everything is perfect Carina, no concerns, from what we can see today you have a perfectly healthy, growing baby. You know we'll need to get some bloods taken but apart from that, I will book you in to see you again at around 18 weeks". She handed Carina some paper towels to wipe the gel from her stomach which Maya intercepted and began gently wiping her wife's abdomen. Jo stood up "I'll just grab your pictures". She left the two women alone. As Maya wiped the last of the gel from her abdomen, Carina went to pull her top back down only to be stopped by her wife. Maya leant down, rubbing her thumb gently across her belly, she placed gentle kisses across her skin, stopping when a tear rolled across her stomach. She wiped it away, pulling down her wife's top "sorry" she laughed. Carina sat up and pulled her wife to stand between her legs. "Hey, no. No apologies, happy tears right?" Maya nodded and smiled, looking into her wife's eyes as she cradled her face in her hands. Her own hands rested on her wife's stomach. "They're really in there, there's a baby in there, a living, growing baby with a heartbeat and... we're gonna have a baby" she smiled as more tears made their way down her cheeks.

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