Wonderful, Always

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Her eyes fluttered open, slowly acclimatising to the darkness of their bedroom, glancing at the bedside clock realising it was way too early to be awake, she rubbed at her eyes and rolled towards her wife, frowning when she found the bed empty. Sitting up she was suddenly aware of the sound that had awoken her. Grabbing her glass of water from her nightstand she jumped out of bed and tapped gently on the closed bathroom door. "Carina?" She pushed the handle down and poked her head into the room. "I'm okay bambina, go back to sleep, it's early. You have to be up in a few hours." Ignoring her wife she handed her the glass of water, before filling the cap of the mouthwash and handing her that too. She leaned down to sit beside her wife on the cold bathroom floor, dropping a gentle kiss on the side of her wife's head as she curled into her. She allowed her own head to rest on top of her wife's. Sleepy thoughts drifting into her mind.

Here she was at 4am sat on a cold bathroom floor, she had managed a total of 5 hours sleep in the past 48 hours and was beyond exhausted. But here holding her wife, her pregnant wife whose hair was falling from what she assumed was originally a messy bun, whose face was pale from the nausea and lack of sleep. She smiled to herself as she ran her fingers through her long brunette hair, feeling her turn and hum into her neck as she snuggled impossibly closer. She couldn't imagine anyone being more beautiful than her wife in this moment. Her eyes raked over her wife, the way her hands tightly gripped her own tank top, her lips slightly parted as she lingered between being awake and asleep.

She was interrupted from her awestruck state by a giggle coming from her wife whose big brown eyes looked up at her "you're staring too loud Bella". She smiled and rested her hand gently on the side of her neck thumb coming up to glide across her cheeky. "You're so beautiful, I can't help staring. I don't ever wanna wake up." Carina's brow furrowed as she struggled to decipher her wife's words. She sat up level with her wife and tipped her head to the side, silently questioning her choice of phrase. Maya tipped her head back against the wall, realising she was not going to get away with not explaining herself to her wife. But choosing to avoid looking at her as she chose her words. "Sometimes I still can't believe this is my life, that it's real. How can it be possible that I get to have this. That I get to be this happy and to love and be loved by you!" She released a chuckle of disbelief, Carina held Maya's hand and pressed kisses to her knuckles, immediately picking up on her wife's vulnerability in this moment. "I always thought love made people weak, that it was a distraction, it stopped people following their own dreams. But... you. You showed me what love can be, real love, all consuming entire heart, body and soul kinda love." She smiled through glossy eyes as she saw Carina brush a lone tear from her cheek. "Now I'm sat here in our bathroom, in our apartment, with my wife, who I love more than anything in the entire world and who for some unfathomable reason loves me just as hard. And it's..." she paused to find the words but Carina interrupted to repeat their conversation from the past "wonderful" Maya smiled "wonderful". She leaned in placing a gentle lingering kiss on her lips. "And now we're gonna have this little person, this tiny little person that will be ours forever, undeniable proof of us, of you and me and how much we love each other." She paused, taking a deep breath her eyes focusing on the ceiling above. "And sometimes I feel so lucky, too lucky, like it's too good to be true, that feeling this way, this happy and content and loved can't be real. And I'm terrified that one day I will wake up and... it won't be real, you won't be real". Her voice cracked and before she knew it she was circled in her wife's embrace, clinging to her as she allowed her tears to flow, granting her wife access to the darkest corners of her mind. Carina kissed her head, mumbling words of reassurance as she pressed her lips against her over and over, arms holding her tight and fingers tracing reassuring patterns on her skin.

Maya woke with a jolt, soon relaxing as she felt Carina's hand in her hair and became aware of her surroundings. She didn't remember falling asleep but as found herself curled up on the bathroom floor, head resting in her wife's lap, she couldn't imagine wanting to be anywhere else. She could hear her alarm sounding in the bedroom, signalling it was time to get ready for work. She groaned, rolling over to bury her face in her wife's stomach. Placing gentle kisses on the exposed skin of her abdomen she whispered "good morning bambino, mommy has to go to work. I need you to be good for mama and let her actually eat something without making her sick okay? You need food to grow big and strong so we can meet you, I promise if you let mama eat I will get her whatever you ask for next okay? We got a deal little bug? Good." She sat up returning the grin plastered on her wife's face. "I love you, come on, back to bed for you" she pulled Carina to her feet and led her back to their bed, tucking her in and leaning down to kiss her. Carina watched as Maya moved around the room throwing on her clothes for work, before coming back to her for a final kiss. "Be safe Bella" she kissed her one more time before heading for the door. "Always".

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