4 - Allies

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plural noun: allies

1. combine or unite are source or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit.


I stabbed lightly at the cold heap of slop on my plastic tray. The lady had said that it was mashed potato, but there were some strange lumps in there that I was sure were definitely not potato. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Connor shovelling his down like he hadn't eaten in years.

"You might want to slow down there." Euryale laughed as Connor took some of the leftover food from her plate. "God knows what you could catch from eating too much of this crap."

"Shh!" I laughed nudging her, "If the cook hears you she'll go mental and probably try to poison you or something."

"Ugh I'd welcome it to be honest; this place is a shit hole."

"What do you expect?" Connor perked up, swallowing the last of his food. "We're criminals; it's hardly going to be The Ritz in here."

"True. Speaking of criminals, when are you two ever going to tell me what you did to end up in here?" Euryale asked, eyeing us up with a smirk on her face.

"Whenever you tell us what you did." I replied, taking my first bite of whatever was on my tray.

"Fine, fine." She threw her hands up. "I was involved in a drug scandal okay, I got caught and the group I was working with somehow managed to make it look as if it was all down to me."

"Oh God, that sucks." I replied.

The 'potato' was cold and powdery and I didn't even want to go anywhere near the lumps so I scraped it off onto Connor's plate, his eyes lighting up like a child on Christmas morning. I moved onto the suspicious looking meat on my plate, pushing at it with my fork a little.

"What about you Connor, why are you here?" Euryale asked, cringing at him shoving the food into his mouth.

He coughed a little, choking down his food before he began talking. His eyes softened a little, becoming sad almost.

"I, er, well, I kinda." He coughed again. "My Mother was ill; she was developing an incurable degenerative neurological disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy or PSP for short. Basically her brain cells were becoming damaged and she-she was, her health was decreasing fast and she didn't want us to watch her become what we had previously seen our Grandfather to become so, er, she asked me to help her die."

"Oh Connor." Euryale sighed, placing her hand over his.

"Yeah and for some fucking ridiculous reason, helping one of your loved ones who wants to die, who was going to die anyway, to die is illegal so, here I am."

"I'm so sorry." I spoke softly, pushing my tray away from me.

"Anyway, er, what about you, Autumn?" He said, shaking his head as if to remove the bad memories from his mind.

"What about me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh! Urm, well honestly I don't-"

I was cut off by a massive crash from a few tables down, following by yelling. As I looked up I saw Joe standing, gripping onto another inmate's collar, shouting in his face.

"Fucking say that to me again! I dare you!" He spat, shoving the guy, who was admittedly twice the size of him, down to the floor. The entire cafeteria, once buzzing with noise was now silent, watching.

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