Fiery Soul

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In hindsight, Siebold wasn't sure that this was a good idea after all. He was sure of his colleagues; he trusted them and even considered them friends. But was Ash ready? Was she okay with meeting others? He hadn't considered the fact that Ash may not be so okay having strangers crowd her.

But they were already heading to his home, and he wasn't sure what he should do then. He couldn't warn Ash yet, but he could at least prepare his fellow Elite. Stopping before his home, feeling rather ominous at his villa's entrance, he turned to his confused friends.

"The person I want you all to meet is...a young girl named Ash," he hesitantly told them.

"A young girl?" Malva raised her eyebrows, before she grew a teasing smirk on her face. "Oh, don't tell me Prim Siebold likes little girls~"

He tossed her an irritable glare, and felt even more uneasy about what she said, considering he couldn't help remembering that Ash was a victim of trafficking and what she'd gone through. No matter how pretty and sweet she was, and how something in him might like her even a little like that...His first priority was to protect her and make her feel safe and secure.

"I found her around a week ago," Siebold continued on, ignoring Malva, who started to pout a little at being dismissed. "She was injured and was being held in her Charizard's arms. He too was injured...severely. She had a Pikachu with them. The three of them had escaped from traffickers and I took them in and helped them recover."

Malva's smirk died down quickly, while Drasna gasped and looked horrified, her hands flying up to cover her mouth. Wikstrom flinched and looked at him with wide eyes, while Diantha's eyes clouded over in sadness and her face and body showed her tiredness.

"Please be cautious and mindful of your words and movements," Siebold quietly said. "She is not used to being around many people, or even others other than myself. I'm not sure this is such a good idea, but I hope to help her to interact with others again and maybe try to trust once more."

"Of course, Siebold," Drasna, always the sweetheart, stepped up to him and smiled gently. "You can count on us."

Still uncertain, Siebold stepped into his home and called out, his fellow elite trainers slowly coming in after him. He noted the smell of something good being cooked through his villa, and thought that Ash might've already started on dinner, if not already finished. He could hear the distant sounds of metal clanging, so she was at least finishing up cooking...

"Ash? I'm home! I've brought some friends I'd like you to meet, if you're okay with that," Siebold hesitantly added on.

The distant clanging stopped and all was silent, making Siebold regret this decision of his. Maybe she wasn't ready. Maybe he should have slowly introduced her to the idea, instead of springing this onto her.

"Ash? Ash, it's okay," he called out, starting to feel panic settle in as he hurried to the kitchen. His mind was so pestered with alarm, that he barely remembered the others and felt them follow him.

Siebold entered his kitchen, but found no sight of her. It made him tense up.

"Ash, remember I told you I was part of the Elite Four of the Kalos Region? The other three are here, as well as Diantha. Remember her? I've told you many things about her," Siebold began to even sound panicked. If she had ran away...

He heard the screech of a chair against the floor and his eyes were immediately drawn to his table, especially as he heard a whimper escape from the girl that was probably hiding underneath it. He took a step towards it, but stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see Diantha by his side and she smiled sadly. Despite not wanting to, he stayed where he was and let her walked to the table. She didn't go all the way to it, but stopped an arm's length away, to which she then shifted onto her knees and then laid flat on the floor. Diantha quickly saw the frightened girl and gave her a soft smile.

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