Red Hot Mess

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Warning: First scene maybe semi-disturbing? Eh, if you're uncomfortable with any description of torture, just skip it. It's small and brief, but you know. Safer than sorry.

The slick feel of her blood glided down her back. The entirety of it felt raw and exposed, and every inch burned and felt pain all over. Another lash against her back had her arching, her arms straining against the chains that held her suspended barely above the ground, where a pool of her own blood gathered, some of it congealed already. Her arms were stretched above her and ached, and her toes brushed against the dirty ground every other second.

Miranda sighed. "You're not screaming anymore. At least you lasted for so long."

She was silently gasping, breathing rattling breaths and spitting out saliva and blood from her mouth. Her throat was inflamed and sore, and she couldn't scream even if she wanted to.

"What a shame."

Miranda walked passed her, lightly slapping her face with the cat, the leather cords stinging against Ash's cheek. The older woman went to the door, and glanced back at her in boredom.

"I'll guess I'll have to let you heal before I can have fun again."

She shut the door behind her and Ash was left in the room in semi-darkness.


Giovanni had finally managed to track this man down, but Romeo Degrassi didn't seem bothered or worried at all. Instead, the nightclub owner looked back calmly.

He'd interrogated Serena's mother thoroughly that time, getting a name out of the woman, but not a place to find him. It had taken him at least a week after to find Degrassi, and the place the man owned.

"Can I help you?" the man murmured, tilting his head to the side idly.

Giovanni slowly smirked mockingly. "Yes, yes you can. You see, I want you to answer some things for me, as well as the fact I'm looking for someone."

Behind him, Archer and Serena stood at the ready and Degrassi had glanced at them several times.

"Very well," Degrassi conceded. "Let's talk in my office. Shall we?"

He allowed Degrassi to show them the way, all three of them ready if the other were to try anything. However, Giovanni was mildly surprised that the other did no such thing and merely entered his office and then headed to his desk, where he calmly sat down. He gestured for Giovanni to sit as well, and he warily did so.

"Ask away," Degrassi said plainly. "And I will answer."

"Why are you being so helpful and cooperative?" Serena's lips trembled, in a state between fury and upset. She took a step forward, but Giovanni held up a hand, still watching Degrassi.

Degrassi answered the question anyway. "I didn't get into this business for the fun of it. Once, I was drawn in because of family, and then I was stuck. And then I stopped caring through the years. The others joked around, calling on my treatment of the women brought in fitting to my name and said I was definitely the 'Romeo' type of pimp that worked more towards controlling through gifts and affections. And to be truthful, it is my preferred method. I hardly use or care for violence and force. I really didn't and stayed indifferent with what I do."

The man shrugged carelessly, and Giovanni felt the temptation to pull out the gun he felt pressed against his side. But then Degrassi started talking again.

"Then a little sweetheart walks in here -well, taken by my men and thrown into this place -and somehow the world tilts a little bit differently, and it's hard not to get a new worldview from that, yes?"

Precious Doll in This Ugly World [Pokemon Fanfic, 2015 PKMNWatties]Where stories live. Discover now