Thank You and Sneak Peek

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To all my friends and readers who have stuck with me till here, thank you. It means a lot. This is the end of "A Heart of Gold."

To keep reading about Radheya's journey, look out for the sequel, "Hands of God", to be published soon.

If you have any comments, criticisms or suggestions about my writing style, plot, grammar or the story in general, please feel free to share it.

Once again, thank you. I hope you have a good day/night.


Boo :)

From the new book:

Vasusena blinked owlishly at the sage, "I beg your pardon?"

Parashuram smiled serenely. It was beginning to give him the creeps. Vasusena privately decided that Parashuram looked better with a scowl.

"A pink chicken, my boy."

"A pink chicken." Vasusena parroted stupidly. "You want me to bring you a pink chicken?"

Parashuram sighed, "Did your mother drop you one too many times on your head as a child? That's what I said."

Vasusena bristled at the insult to his mother, but kept his temper. The mighty sage did not know Radha maa, and therefore, clearly had no idea about how caring his mother was. In any case, he had to try. Abnormally coloured poultry was not his speciality - nothing was - but he wasn't turning back. Tilting his head with reckless defiance, he clarified, "Is it necessary to bring it alive?"

Parashuram's eyes lit up with ill-concealed mirth. "Bring it however you find it."

Vasusena fought to keep the frown off his face. "Okay," he said, "Alright."

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