2: The Horikita Siblings

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I walked around the open balcony with Suzune and Manabu not knowing what to expect. Kei sent the entire police force with us. A large canopy protected us against the sun's rays over head. Kei suggested that we watched some romance movies together to get an idea of what weddings are like. Looking back at it know, she probably just used it as an excuse to watch something romantic with me. Although I did obtain a little knowledge, it wasn't a lot as the weddings scenes always happened at the end of the movie. I then went onto the internet and read through wedding articles just to see what they're actually like, to know what to expect. Despite this, I can say that I know how the weddings are going to happen but I don't know what they're going to feel like, if that makes sense. 

"So why did Kei-san told us to go here?" Suzune asked. 

"I thought you would know since you were directly involved in the planning and stuff." I sighed. 

"She did say it was a surprise for us so we can expect something big." Manabu said. 

By "us" he meant the entire police force and I. 

Despite the amount of people gathered here, the balcony had enough space for people to walk around without frequently bumping to one another. So the three of us just walked around aimlessly until we decided to just look at the view until we were called. 

"Kiyotaka-kun. From the reports I read regarding the whiteroom, you were the only person that has reached the whiteroom's benchmark thus making you the 'Perfect Human' in their eyes. I was so naive back then, thinking that I was able to surpass you." Suzune said as she looked in the distance. 

"It's not like you to reminisce, Suzune." I said. 

"I know, but once in a while isn't that bad." 

"But it's not like I don't understand how you feel though." I continued. "Thinking about how you used to be, and how you are now. As well as the growth you experienced between the former and current you, can feel... how do I put it? Humbling."

She didn't reply back but only nodded.

"Which is ironic since, logically, it makes sense to feel proud by how much you've grown." Manabu added. 

"Suzune, are you still holding on to that long dream of surpassing me?" I teased which made her laugh as a result. 

"Probably, but I think this feeling is more of a 'desire' than as a 'need'. I 'desire' to surpass you but having full knowledge that it's probably.. definitely a long dream, but that part of me still lingers." 

 "What about you Kiyotaka?" Manabu asked me. "Have you figured it out yet? Emotions." 

I shook my head. 

"I still have a long way of figuring it out but that doesn't mean I don't understand it. I experienced a lot these past 10 years and I guess they'll serve as a basis for now." I shrugged. 

"What about you oni-sama? Have you learned what trust is?" 

"Far from it, I thought I finally understood what it is but recent events only prove that I don't. But I'm getting there." 

"It looks like we didn't even move 1 step." I sighed. Which caused all 3 of us to chuckle.   

No matter how much we think we've grown, there will always be something, a defect or a fault that is blind to us. In our mindset or in our ideologies which seems apparent to everyone except ourselves.   

"Manabu-senpai, you and Tachibana-senpai got married directly after graduation right? How did that happen?" I asked. 

"I suppose there's no fault in telling both of you, Tachibana confessed to me privately when we were walking along a park. We found out that we lived in the same neighbourhood since babies but never interacted with each other as our schedules never allowed a gap of time to meet. If she was studying on Thursday I'd be out but if I was studying she'd be out, etc. So she confessed to me at around 8 pm, after that I just suggested that we'd get married right away." 



Wait hold on, I'm not an expert in love but isn't that going too fast?

"I know what you're going to say but hey, everything worked out in the end and now we have 3 kids." 

"That's a little unlike you oni-sama, it's too illogical and too... fast. Especially something important like marriage." 

"You have no right to speak Suzune, you married Ken when you both were just 1 week together." Manabu said. 

"I-I suppose you're right."

"Wait hold on, I'm surprised you didn't know about this Suzune." 

"I kept the marriage a secret for 1 year, and told my family that I was going marrying a woman whom I've been seeing for a year. Unbeknownst to them, we've already been married for a year." 

"So your wedding ceremony happened during the second year right, oni-sama?"

He nodded.   

"Oh yeah." I said, "You married Ken right? When did that happen?" 

"2 years ago, I married him a year after he joined our police department as a security personnel."

"Wait, please tell me more."

Realising that I was in the dark for 10 years, she told me everything. 

"He got drafted into the Los Angeles Lakers directly after graduation. After joining he was on the bench for 4 seasons until they let him play as a regular. After that, the lakers dominated each season after he became a regular for 4 years with him being the most aggressive scorer for several seasons in a row. He then retired early and went back to Japan to be with his family. Someone like him didn't need to work with the money he earned playing but he decided that he wanted to be someone that's beneficial to society so he chose to be a security personnel for our police department 3 years ago. As a member, he has also racked up many achievements and rewards...." 

Manabu-senpai and I just listened silently as she went on and on about Sudou's accomplishments and his contribution to the department. She also talked about his growth through out the years and was stunned by his development. She then talked about how amazing and kind he is as a husband and how wonderful he if to their children. Honestly, she looked like the Suzune in her 1st year of high school, but minus 'being the shadow' part. Despite having a poker face through out her entire explanation, her eyes were beaming as she talked. 

"And that's why, Ken is the man that I love." 

"That's nice and all but I think Kei is calling us back."

We 3 then looked at the horde of people walking out of the balcony and back into the building. We then unconsciously decided that we'd follow them, assuming that our surprise was ready. 

Author's notes: 

Hihi everybody. I am back, I'm sorry for being on a really, really, really long hiatus, a 4 month hiatus to be precise. My only excuse is that I didn't have the motivation to write this fan fic, I just didn't want to. But all of that changed when zheeyah29 told me that she would continue writing her own fan fiction. I was inspired so I decided, why not, let's just continue writing this. And it was fun, I had a fun time writing this chapter. 

Check out zheeyah's stuff too, her cote fan fic is amazing. If you like and have seen oregairu then that's a bonus as well as the fic is cote x oregairu but thing is, the fanfic doesn't depend on the cross over for it to be interesting. It has it's own story and the oregairu crossover is used as a component for the story, and it isn't treated like it's part of the story's identity. If that makes sense. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if God wills, I'll try to publish other chapters as well. So see you. 

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