Chapter 08: Who are you?

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Blaire's POV

After school the next day, I change out of the uniform and into some comfortable clothes and head for the Batcave with Xenos draped across my shoulders like a scarf

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After school the next day, I change out of the uniform and into some comfortable clothes and head for the Batcave with Xenos draped across my shoulders like a scarf.

I saw that Tim was there like he usually is and greeted him "Hey, Tim" he glances up in surprise as usually I'm glued to Damian's side like we're conjoined twins "Hey, B, what's up?" I shrug and say "I was just going to look through Bruce's files ...

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I saw that Tim was there like he usually is and greeted him "Hey, Tim" he glances up in surprise as usually I'm glued to Damian's side like we're conjoined twins "Hey, B, what's up?" I shrug and say "I was just going to look through Bruce's files on The Light" he blinked again in surprise because I was only here to learn magic the hero gig was just a way to earn my keep.

"O......kay?" I then took a seat at Bruce's flatscreen sized computers. Xenos leapt down from my shoulders and curled up into a ball on my lap. I logged in and began shifting through the files that Bruce allows access to. There.....wasn't as much there as I expected, I mean, I knew he had more information on Lex Luther than this! He was probably keeping secrets....again. I sighed and just accepted Bruce's decision of secrecy. I finally got to a file that had a picture of the boy with the cat that I had fought.

I immediately opened up all the contents of the file.

Name: Klarion
Alias(s): Klarion the Witch Boy
DOB: Somewhere around 16 BCE
Age: 2,000+
Allies: The Light, Teekl
Nemeses: Doctor Fate, Zatanna, John Constantine, Justice League, Teen Titans
Family: Teekl (Relationship; Familiar), unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Strengths: Dark arts
Weaknesses: Teekl
Bio: Klarion has appeared throughout history as a mischievous intinty that wreaks havoc upon humans for entertainment. Very little is known about him aside from having a complicated history with Doctor Fate, who has labeled him as a Lord of Chaos, the polar opposite of Doctor Fate who is a Lord of Order.

Well, that was useless. All it did was tell me his name and that he was an evil magic user. I let out a noise of irritation catching Tim's attention. Tim scooted over and peered at the screen "Huh" he said, making me turn to look at him questionably "What's 'huh'?" "Nothing, it's just.....why do you want information on Klarion?" I nibbled on my lower lip anxiously.

Xenos sat up and pawed at my chin in a silent message to tell me to stop which I did then took a deep breath "I fought him on the mission" Tim's eyes widened "You fought the witch boy?! By yourself?!" He yelled making me wince. He quickly apologized and asked "What happened?" I sighed and explained the fight but left out what happened when we made eye contact.

That was between me, Klarion...............and Damian.

Klarion's POV
I sat boredly at yet another meeting with the Light discussing the Titans latest attack on us. I honestly couldn't care less.

Finally I found her-errr- them after waiting to meet them for 2,000 years, and I let them slip through my fingers like mother's gizzard bread pudding. Noticing my lack of attention Luther spoke up and asked "Something troubling you, Klarion?" He asked, turning all attention to me "No, nothing" I mumbled out absently.

Queen Bee didn't believe me because she tried to use her pheromones on me "Come now, Klarion, there's no need to be shy" she said seductively filling my core with outrage 'How dare she intervene!' Teekl felt the same way as she let out a yowl and lept onto the table and raised her hackles in a enraged hiss directed at Queen Bee startling her. I abruptly stood up knocking the chair I'd been sitting in to the floor. I waved my hand and my magical red essence wrapped around Queen Bee's throat and levitated her off the ground and dragged her to hover before me.

Everyone in attendance to the meeting stood up and yelled at me to put her down and some tried to grab me but I merely threw them into the walls and created a protective barrier around me and Teekl. I brought Queen Bee close to my face and sneered at her fearful, choking face "If you ever try to do that again, Marcia Monroe, I swear to all the demons and deities I. Will. Kill. You!"

With that I finally dropped her and left her coughing on the ground as Teekl and I stormed out. Leaving behind stunned members of the light normally when Queen Bee tried to use her powers on me I was very compliant and flirtatious with her, this violence was new and it was all because of that hero I met the other night.

I stopped at I looked out the giant windows of Lex Corp and calmed down at the mere thought of them and their beautiful green-blue heterochromia eyes. My heart ached for them, as did Teekl's and she hadn't even met their familiar yet! I didn't even know their name!

Who are you........


















My dilectus salit.

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